Your Name: PolishVodka
SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:229515094
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Both
Which staff member banned you?: PR-N | Acevass
How long is your ban for?: Permanent
Why were you banned?: Mass rdm | LTAP | NITRP
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Firstly, I was role playing. I was with an officer and some guys started shooting at us and he shouted "shoot them shoot them". There was a few of them so I shot who I saw because I thought that they were those people. I was also hit by some of them as well which also made me believe that there were a lot of them trying to kill me. So that explains my "mass rdm" and "NITRP" because it's simply: I was roleplaying, and I did not intentionally mass rdm. Secondly, I did not at all LTAP because after that happened, I carried on playing normally. I did not know I was reported, I was not put in a sit and no one messaged me. So I carried on playing until I came offline. It was not leaving to avoid punishment.
Additional Information: I got perm banned because I used another account to try and rejoin the server. I did that not with the intention to troll, minge, mrdm etc; I did that so I could call an admin since no one responded to my message and the console banned me permanently. This is my favourite server and I wouldn't intentionally do something to get myself banned. I am not a troll, minge etc. And me going through the effort to submit this proves that.
I apologise and realise that this stuff is technically against the rules. But my ban was with no story from my side. Again, I had no intention to mrdm, minge, troll, NITRP or anything you guys see this as. So I'm sorry for breaking the rules, I would really appreciate an unban/a return to my two week ban and I will ensure this won't happen again.