Your Name: Juckmir den Knuppel
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:869773934
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute
Which staff member banned you?: Coffee
How long is your ban for?: 1 month and 2 weeks
Why were you banned?: NITRP | RDM | AMRDM DURING A CEREMONY | LTAP
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Today I was attending a funeral of a family member and I don't want sympathy for this but that meant that I wasn't on for the duration of today and I have proof of this if it is needed. When I arrived home I attempted to load into the server and i came to a shocking revelation were it showed that I was banned for the reasons I stated above. Now I Am not critizing the staff's work as a member of the staff team but I believe that the staff member has banned the wrong person as in the past 2 weeks I have been trying my best to make my time in the kaisergarde presentable and have been on everyday participating in all events, training, ceremony's and more and I have been able to progress to the rank of hauptfeldwebel and i intend to rank up more to become a presentable member of the KG. So upon looking at the first reason "NITRP" I believe that is wrong as I have been roleplaying to the best of my ability. And for the other reasons I Believe this is wrong as I was in no ceremony bar a NSB One (Unless their was another today) and I had to leave early due to personal issues and I was gone even before the ceremony had started as we were instructed to guard it. It is not in my knowledge if another member of the KG Attempted to disrupt the ceremony but if this happened I think the staff maybe did a mistake and banned the wrong steamID I'm unsure of the facts but something I am certain of is that I did not commit this act as I just didn't I don't know how to explain I'm generally that confused as I haven't been on all day and coming home to find this is quite upsetting as I intend to keep bringing RP on my behalf to the server and I believe this is unjust. I also have another character which is apart of the ministry of agriculture and I have spent good time writing documents to present them as another form of RP, So it is also hard to imagine why i would throw both of these characters away which i spent many hours roleplaying on for a reason such as this
Additional Information: If you look at my Note/Ban record their is none which shows that I don't have PO's and this literally doesn't make sense onto why i would just do this.