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w1ndStrik3 last won the day on September 4 2024

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  1. Description of the idea: [X] Is reference to an image/document. Sources for all images/documents are listed in the additional information section. TL;DR: The Rank of Kommodore is equal to the ranks of Rittoffizier (KG) and NSB-Polizeikommandeur (NSB) [1]. The problem is, that while the proper uniforms for the two aforementioned MOI ranks are part of their respective CO models, the proper uniform for a Kommodore is part of the Admiral model. On the model sheet [2], a Kommodore is listed in the CO section, as it should be, but the uniform for the Kommodore is mistakenly marked as being part of the CO model. So what exactly should be changed? Literally just: Yes. It is that simple. have kommodore use the same caharacter model as the admirals. That is the entire fix. No new models, no updating the content packs. Just move a single cell border in the model sheet. Explanation: The proper model for a Kommodore in the navy would be the same model as the admirals use (models/prometheus/seaservice/admirals/admiralsea06.mdl). But because of how the models the server use are categorized, the proper uniform for a kommodore is not placed with the senior navy CO uniform, but with the admirals uniform (since the only difference between a Kommodore uniform and Kontreadmiral uniform is a single strip on the sleeves). On the model sheet, Kommodore is said to wear the senior CO uniform (models/prometheus/seaservice/seniorofficers/seniorofficersea06.mdl), but the uniform would not only be incorrect historically, since we use the uniforms and ranks of the "no-no german" navy, but also there would be an issue with the selection of ranks in the wardrobe. The senior CO uniform only has a selection of three ranks, but there are four different senior CO ranks in the navy, including Kommodore. As it stands now, the uniforms of Kapitän zur See and Kommodore are INDISTINGUISHABLE from each other. The Konteradmiral chooses rank 1 in the wardrobe. Rank 0 would be the one for the Kommodore, if we try to stay as close as possible to the reference. Historical Documentation: [X] Is reference to an image. Sources of the images are listed in the additional information section. On the image [3] here, we see a Kommodore, who distinctly has a single broad line on his sleeve. On this image [4], we see yet another Kommodore (Left, foreground), who has the single broad line on the sleeve. Note the double golden branches of the shade of the cap. On this rank table [5] it can clearly be seen that a Kommodore has a single broad line his sleeves. Here is a rank table [6], which shows both officer and admiral ranks. On it, it can clearly be seen that the four lines are for a Kapitän zur See, and not a Kommodore: Why should this be added?: The issue with Kommodores having to wear an improper uniform not only breaks immersion (not majorlyfor most, but especially for people in the navy, it is an annoyance), but also forces the navy to have to make changes to what a kommodore should wear to be able to distinguish a kommodore from a Kapitän zur See. We do have a proper uniform for a Kommodore, but it is just placed in the Admiral model, not the senior CO model. The navy shouldn't have to make unecessary changes to distinguish a Kommodore from a Kapitän zur See, when a perfectly good, and much better, option is right there. Also, the fix is literally just moving a single cell border in the model sheet. THAT IS THE ENTIRE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM What negatives could this have?: I do not see any negatives. By brainstorming a little, I would guess that a Kommodore could go in the wardrobe, and set his rank to a GO rank on the model, but that would be the same as if someone just went into the wardrobe and selected a rank higher than they are supposed to display. Yes, this could be slightly more serious when we are speaking about GO ranks, but when someone attains the rank of Kommodore, that person would seldom be a minge who would go around commiting stolen valor. Additional information: [1] P-N Rank comparison table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j-KVwHRUtBVcnIqfv_qXy66IgWADJrGvy0Yw-MoWgRw/ [2] Official P-N model sheet used by staff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yqEq-mnfIIQPa2x58bHb1eEpvUueZWM31v8sCXGWKP0/ [3] Picture of Kommodore F. Ruge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommodore [4] Picture of Kommodore Karl Dönitz: https://www.militaer-wissen.de/ranks-of-the-german-war-navy-kriegsmarine-until-1945/?lang=en [5] Admiralty rank table: same URL as [4] [6] Rank table of admirals and line officers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniforms_and_insignia_of_the_Kriegsmarine#Flag_officer_ranks
  2. But they can do that with any type of prop, especially the concrete barrier. What is stopping people from just spamming the bunker prop, or the aforementioned concrete barrier?
  3. Steam Name: w1ndStrik3 SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:52790053 Discord Username/ID: w1ndstrik3 / 360870649931235351 Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 3d 18m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Kapitänleutnant Jens Andersen. An officer of the marines, tasked with leading men of the marines, leading exercises, certifications and recruiting. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use trusted for recruitment and promotions. I know that sometimes staff have a lot on their hands, and I will use trusted to take a little weight of the hands of the staff team. Staff Recommendations: Saito
  4. Description of the idea: There are a number of sandbag props that cannot be spawned/are blacklisted. Specifically these: models/props_fortifications/anzio_sandbags_destroyed.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner1.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner1_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner2.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner2_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line1.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line1_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line2.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line2_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbag.mdl Why should this be added?: We used to have these props on the old server, but no longer have them now. These are just generic sandbag props, and I don't have a clue why they are blacklisted. People have old dupes (myself included) that used these props. I cannot really find any good sandbag props that are currently available on the server, and adding these back would be very nice, since the RP on the server does revolve around military, war, firefights etc. So all in all, sandbags are very much missed in 1940rp. What negatives could this have?: Beats me. Additional information: These are the photos fo the props. Images: https://imgur.com/a/0rvIUni Edit: fixed to conform to template
  5. Description of the idea: Salary of marine Enlisted, NCO's and CO's should be corrected. They only make 35 DM each "cycle", while even enlisted of the other branches make significantly more. Why should this be added?: The pay for the different military branches should be the same, and should only change with rank, not branch. It is not fair for the marines to get a salary that is several times lower than the other branches What negatives could this have?: I do not see any negatives Additional information: N/A

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