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  1. Hi Diego, Your character was placed under FearRP, meaning you were required to comply with your captors and act as if your life was in danger. When the person first put you under gunpoint, you seemed to be AFK or deeply engaged with whatever the other members of the Armed Forces were doing. When you snapped into character, the first thing you said was "I am being detained.". Then after arguing shortly for their reasonings, you came with another statement, "I was here, in front of the bank, being detained." You say that the use of the radio is unintentional due to a keybinding issue, regardless of whether that was the problem, or if it was deliberate, the situation remains the same. If this is a known issue for you, then why would you actively report your location? That only implies awareness of the keybind's "effect", making it less of an accident and more of an excuse. Broadcasting your location while being detained, will realistically result in immediate consequences. I recommend you again attempt to adjust your settings to prevent a similar situation in the future.
  2. + 1 I have only observed and experienced good roleplay from Sparrow, and he is also one of the most active players on the server.
  3. Jakob


    Hi Larry, I must reiterate that your actions did indeed violate server rules. While you claim to have evaluated the situation as a threat, the decision to shoot and kill him was not necessary. This was one of many clips I looked through that day, so I am in the process of making contact with the person who reported you to get sent the clip again. I do not recall the person pointing a gun at people in the bank, or attempting to threaten someone with the Kar98k drawn. I am aware that he had the weapon on his back, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were verbally threatening someone. But that does not instigate that you can kill him on sight because he looks, and seems like a threat. You could have dealt with this in roleplay; like calling for backup or attempting to detain him yourself. You have past POs going back to 2023. Yes, they are not as recent, but I am sure that in the years you have been here, you know the rules. And yes, if you didn't leave the server right away, you would have had time to explain yourself, which could have made the ban shorter. I welcome you back on the 23rd.
  4. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Jakob SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:229892715 Discord Username/ID: saintjakob Timezone: GMT +1 Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): 2 weeks and 4 days Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am active on the server but could be more active in the forums. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Wolff von Haugwitz-Nachtnebel, SKK-Major This character is a member of the Drachengruppe. The prime duty is guarding. I have to protect the members of the Sovereign Office, like the Praetor and the Emperor. Maintaining order within the Pantheon by enforcing strict security procedures is also an important everyday activity. This can be when I stand guard at the Pantheon to maintain order and ensure no one without proper authorization attempts to access it. Dick Bigmackën, Ministerialdirektor This character is a member of the Ministry of Truth and Society as the director of the Correspondence Office. Here I act as a reporter for the weekly newspaper. My everyday duties consist of walking around the city to interact with people to find fun and interesting stories for the paper that I can take pictures of and write about. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have primarily roleplayed since around 2018/2019 when I started getting into the roleplay community on Garry's Mod. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I do have one ban on my record, but no notes. The ban is from when I and another member of the community badmouthed each other in-game which turned into me talking shit to the person in LOOC, which I shouldn't have done of course but it happened, but that was a one-time thing that I have not done again after that situation. That person was a member of the staff team which ended up in him banning me for only two hours. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have not been a staff member within any Garry's Mod community or Nutscript Gamemode. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Even though I have never been a member of a staff team on Garry's Mod before, I believe I could be a valuable addition. People who know me from in-game, know me as a nice and fun person to be around. I have a good understanding of the rules, and I am sure I know the fairest way to enforce them. When it comes to conflicts I always try to resolve them calmly and in a manner where I ensure all parties feel heard. A big strength of mine is availability. I live in Norway, which makes me six hours ahead of EST. I often have spare time during hours when other staff members from the States might not be online. I also tend to stay up for long periods, where I am still on at "late hours" on the server when there is a lack of staff. This is something that annoys me when I am on late and there is no one to do tickets which makes it difficult to recruit and maintain the minge-level to a minimum. I am an active member of this server and have been in this gamemode community for years. I have an understanding of what members of the community like myself expect. I tend to go out of my way to newer players of the community quite often to help them out with understanding the server, and also getting them started. This server is quite frankly a big part of my free time now that I have a lot of free time on my hands, and I really do enjoy my time here. And I'd be more than happy helping out with upholding the standards and contributing even more to the server to make sure it remains fun but also in order. I have never considered joining any staff team before, I understand what it's like to focus on having fun as a player. But, I also know when the line needs to be drawn. - What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As a staff member on the server, my responsibilities would mainly consist of enforcing server rules, assisting players through tickets, and resolving conflicts. I would also need to take a more active role on the forums, and I'd be expected to be more strict on my behavior in-game, to make sure I am seen as a good example. The staff team do serve as role models and is expected to set an example for others to follow. I would also have to always attempt to create an environment where players respect the rules and take the roleplay seriously. By maintaining the immersion and the integrity even at late hours where it can be difficult because "mingey" behavior tends to be a lot more popular at these hours. This means such as, that I don't encourage other people to act like "minges", and make sure they understand the importance of maintaining seriousness in roleplay at all times.
  5. Your Name: Jakob SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 459785430 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Slickb (STEAM_0:0:64518339) How long is your ban for?: 2 hours. Why were you banned?: "Reason: Goto bed weirdo dork." Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I deserve to be unbanned as I think it is blatant abuse of power to ban someone because you disagree with them. What happened is that I had logged into the game, ready to have fun protecting our dearest Konsul as his Praetorian Guard. The General der NSB Bernie Muller comes into the Reichstag with two of his men. Instead of knocking, he /doorkick's the Konsul's door down. I in RP, of course tell him this is wrong where he proceeds to tell me that he's got "UNRESTRICED ACCESS". And I proceed to tell him that "Unrestricted access, doesn't mean you can kick the Konsul's office door down." That indeed made the man disappointed, and I was then excited from this reaction. So I basically start "yelling" at him telling him that is not okay, but he doesn't agree. I then say in local out-of-character chat "HAHAHAH" and "SO MAAAD CUZ I TELL U WHAT TO DO LMAO". That's where he gets hurt because I did not want to get on my knees and address him as "Your Grace". He bans me for two hours. I am deeply sorry Slickb, if you are not used to people speaking back to you IN ROLEPLAY and this hurt your feelings. But that does not mean, you can use the funny commands to ban an innocent role-player. This completely ruined my immersion. Act it out in-game next time. Additional Information: Here is a clip, but you can't hear me as I had forgot to unmute my microphone on Medal before entering the game. But maybe you can make out what's being said. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iqGkgFEgx0UF9Jtx_/d1337z5IZvNx?invite=cr-MSx0b2csMTAxNjc2Mjg5LA

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