Your Name: i forgot
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:70301112
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology
Which staff member banned you?: hound
How long is your ban for?: perm
Why were you banned?: alting
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i am sorry for alting and trying to get back while i was already banned i am sorry for what i did and these action will stay with me but i am changing slowly i want a second change to redeem myself on the server sorry for alting and trying to get back in i love this server pretty fun community active admins and all types of stuff i understand what i did and should not have did it i understand if i dont get a chance but i feel i change over the course of my ban and coming back as a new mindset and be more mature on what i am doing on the server and stop having to get a upper hand on people on the server this appeal is a chance i must take before i am not able to anymore so i am saying this out of respect and understanding.