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warfarealert last won the day on July 18 2024

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  1. Totally understandable, but since the circumstances of this PK are a matter of 1 to 2 seconds, since the opposing party supports the appeal, and since there’s at least some grey area around the rule, would I be able to win an appeal in this case?
  2. I had no knowledge that I would be detained. I was invited to leave on my own volition and I did. I walked calmly to the gates and intended to wait for them to be opened. I saw the first individual attempt to detain and wasn't sure if this was someone screwing with me or this was a serious attempt. I radioed in as trained and In the 2 seconds between that moment and being killed I wasn't sure what to do. I stopped once I realized there were multiple people involved.
  3. Character's name and Rank: Battalionsleiter Adalbert Herzfeld SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:127396338 Staff member who issued the PK: Aurelius of Phoenix Explain why you were PK'd: I am writing to formally request the reversal of the permanent kill (PK) decision regarding my character, Battalionsleiter Adalbert Herzfeld. I believe the ruling was made in error and would like to present my case for why my character should be revived. During the event in question, the reason given for the PK approval was that I allegedly used a radio while under fear roleplay (RP). However, I believe there has been a misunderstanding of the situation. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I used the radio only when one soldier was within visual range. At that time, there were two of us with weapons out, indicating that we were not yet outgunned and could potentially defend ourselves. As soon as the second and third soldiers came into visual range, I stopped using the radio, recognizing that we were outgunned and thus adhering to fear RP rules. However, I was not given any time or opportunity to adhere to fear RP after that point and was shot immediately. Note: Only 1 second passed between stopping and being shot. The rules state that a character can be PKed if not abiding by fear RP. Given that I stopped and ceased using the radio when the situation escalated and we were clearly outgunned, I believe I was fully compliant with fear RP guidelines. I have a video recording of the event which clearly shows the sequence of events and my adherence to the fear RP rules. The video demonstrates that my character used the radio only when we had a fighting chance based on my visual view of the situation in first person. And that I, however briefly due to the 1 second kill time, stopped using the radio as soon as it became apparent that we were outgunned. Given the above points and the supporting evidence, I kindly request that the PK decision be reviewed and overturned. My character's actions were in compliance with the established rules, and the PK ruling appears to have been made based on an incomplete understanding of the situation. I appreciate your consideration in this matter and look forward to your response. Additional Information: The clip showing the other party's point of view: https://medal.tv/?contentId=ii0WPQImcO4riLzz1&invite=cr-MSxIYUYsMjQ3OTQ1MDcyLA&spok=r88GYKEUm7OZ Please note on the video: The 2nd and 3rd gunman are in visual range at 7 seconds. I am on the radio at that time. I stop and am shot at 8 seconds. That is a 1 second window to stop, analyze the situation, and react. That is why we normally call for a 5-10 second warning period with most violent action. The counterargument will be that the radio presents a present threat, however the the individuals running up on me had time to plan their response, I did not.

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