Your Name: Pun Gun
SteamID STEAM_0:0:634759308
Appeal Type (Apology)
Which staff member banned you?: I forgot
How long is your ban for?: Forever
Why were you banned?: Global Rule
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Hello Prom, It has been a while sense I joined back. I have been banned for two years and as long as I can remember I did not know why I was banned. But I just wanted
to say that I am sorry for everything that I have done to the staff team, I am sorry for my actions of which I have did braking the rules on the server. I have changed my ways and now that I took the time to understand the rules of the server I feel like I should make a appeal. Like I said I am a changed person and I wish to come back and have fun on Prom. I understand all the rules of which I have read in the forums and the pages. I have taken my time to read them twice to understand and make sure of it. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed playing on the server and one day I hope to join back on it.
Thank you,
Additional Information:
This ban was a long time ago and I forgot the whole reason behind it.
Thank you.