Your Name: Poppadoppalis
SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:547925681
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Both
Which staff member banned you?: Coffee
How long is your ban for?: Perm
Why were you banned?: Metagaming
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I would like to start by saying sorry to coffee for my mess up and for any confusion that i have made, i believe that what i did wasn't metagaming ( i might be wrong if so i am sorry ) but one of my char's Daniel Koch was a member of the innenministerium ( which has been PK'd ) and i had a different char Thorben Falkenrath being a feld jager i play on both chars and switch my personality with them basically giving them complete different ideals and beliefs and i think what made admins think i was meta was that i was tasked with a mission with my MOI char and was pk'd ( starting a gun fight and losing ) and went to my Feld char thinking welp that sucks might aswell make this my main char and began playing on this char when i was with my CO and he stopped a marine ( with him being a person my other char knew ) i didn't meta and started to talk to him like i didn't knew him at all and my CO and I took him to a office and my CO began to question him asking for his id and he presented them both to me and the CO and my CO recognize the Marine and began to ask him questions " aren't you in the Innenministerium and why are you a marine all of a sudden i did not ask a single question my CO was asking them all ( i didnt want to possibly meta game ) and then we asked the questions and we let him go and some time i see that same marine kill a important member of the ICC and he got away. Fast forward to yesterday the Innenministry is in the ICC and i recognize that marine but he was no longer a marine but in a different uniform and grab feld going to detain him for the murder of a member of the ICC and a whole conflict happens as i thought would've been some good RP but i was banned shortly after i now understand how someone would think that is metagaming and i was not trying to meta game ( if this counts as meta gaming then I'm sorry for the things i did )
here's a clip of me witnessing the death of the important ICC member :
Additional Information: Thanks for reading my appeal and i will respect the decision the staff team makes on my appeal , and if need to clarify something please let me know