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Xan last won the day on February 14

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  1. +1 A great guy who seems to take responsibility for his duties and position.
  2. -1 There is 0 benefit to this. If you are chasing someone you can shoot them in the legs to make them slow down. This would just make the server worse and less enjoyable for everyone.
  3. The 1st. Sicherheitskrafte isn't recognized as a government organisation by the vehicle vendor. Members of the faction get the message saying you must be a member of a government organisation when attempting to purchase a vehicle from the "Government Vehicles" section.
  4. Xan

    Xan's Ban Appeal

    Dude I've been banned for half a year
  5. Xan

    Xan's Ban Appeal

    Your Name: Xan SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:44523937 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Prime How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: I mass-RDMd a group of KG who were lining up for a ceremony on my KG CO character. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I would first like to apologize for my conduct, it was clearly just done out of frustration at the time due to various events that happened both in the server and IRL. I know what I did was wrong and ruined RP for other people at the time. I've never had any issues with the server rules before this happened, if you look I should have a clean record with no prior infractions. This was my first one and unfortunately due to the severity resulted in a permanent ban. I would like a chance to start over again and prove that I can do better. All my CO characters have also been PKd so I would be starting from the beginning, which I believe is deserved in this case. I have really enjoyed my time on this server in the past and I hope I would be allowed to play here again. This was really just a one time slip up and I'm certain that I would not let it happen again if I were to be allowed back onto the server. Additional Information: None
  6. Have you tried restarting your game? I would also recommend uninstalling the old Prometheus content pack if you have it and clearing your Steam download cache as said in the Discord post by Verax. If it doesn't work try removing everything in your Gmod addon folders, specifically in the "downloads" and "addons" folder (right click on gmod on steam, properties, installed files, browse dont actually delete the folders just the contents of those two aforementioned obviously) unsubscribing from all steam workshop addons. If it still happens you can try to factory reset you gmod, in the main gmod folder double click "FactoryReset-GMod.bat". If all else fails you can do a full reinstall, that is uninstalling the game from steam, deleting the gmod folder from your steam files manually and also disabling steam cloud in the steam properties for the game as that could try to carry over some old files. Keep in mind that these last two steps will remove any locally saved content.
  7. Cooking would be great for civilian RP. +1 That would be extremely annoying imo, and this isn't a survival game.
  8. Xan

    Ban Appeal

    What are you even appealing here? Is this a PK appeal or a ban appeal? Your character being PKd has nothing to do with you being permanently banned for Global Rule 1. You clearly didn't put almost any effort into this appeal.

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