Steam Name: shampoov2
SteamID 32: STEAM_1:0:606176112
Discord Username/ID: mikkel0083 / 1180219284513898526
Are you VIP?: Yes
Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 1d 19h 17m
Characters' Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties:
Werner Lorenz, Leutnant: In this role, I act as a guard in the Medusa Guarding Regiment. I guard the Großadmiral and NHC in the armed forces.
Mikkel Christian Larsen, Feldwebel : In this role, I act as a guard in the 1st Kaisergarde. I guard the Kaiser and NHC in the Innenministerium.
Lorenz Tageler, meister: in this role, i act as a guart in the VW i guart the RS/Reichstag and NHC in the WV, PartyPersonal
Alex Lorenz, Grenadier: in this role, i act as a guy in the military/heer
What will you use the Trusted rank for?: I will use my Trusted rank to recruit people into the faction that I recruit for, as well as to promote people within my faction when the staff numbers are low, and to promote and demote as necessary.
Staff Recommendations: Just Lavinder, Sitcht,