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  1. If it can be re-implemented then I think it would be a great thing to place back into the server to create greater immersion. Especially for factions like the State who could produce documents in game. As you said, a high price tag would be a great way to deter the system being abused. +1
  2. +1 Would make a good addition to the staff team. Strong application. Best of luck!
  3. +1 Very capable LARPer, very genuine person with a great ability to speak to players. Would be a good addition to the staff team.
  4. +1 A very capable person who demonstrates great RP skills. Would make a good addition to the staff team in my humble opinion.
  5. +1 Strong application
  6. +1 Great application.
  7. +1 Makes sense to me, don’t see any negatives either.
  8. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Owen SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:169137773 Discord Username/ID: owenm04 Timezone: BST Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): 1 Week Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, and I will use it. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes to both. I am currently trying to increase my activity on the forums too. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: @dawg Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @dawg, @ItIsÀris, @Beach, @Kixx, @Ace Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Battalionsleiter Karl Heinrich | Deutsche Volkswachter | He is currently the Deputy Chief of the Kaiserliche Gardekorps. He is responsible for running the day to day activities of the VW alongside the chief, organising patrols, recruiting new members to the korps and running training activities for members to get certifications. He also aides in the duty to eradicate communism from Berlin. Inspektor Luther Benitz | Ministry of Procurements | Due to a long wait on receiving roles on Discord, the character hasn’t developed much as of yet and I have been focusing on my VW character as of late. His main role is selling procurements to the great people of Berlin. Mattihas Staunhausen | Civilian | This is a new character I have created to take part in Civ RP within the server and just to interact and talk to people that I come across. As well as to take a break from faction RP when I need to just relax but still want to play. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying since I was like 14/15 across multiple games, especially GarrysMod on some different categories. Since I started University at 18 I had taken a step away from roleplaying until I found Prometheus and I have been enjoying getting back into RP generally. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have never had any infractions. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Personally I have not had a huge amount of experience recently as a staff member. I am more than happy to dedicate time to learning the differences between Nutscript and normal Garry’s Mod. A few years ago I was a moderator on a DarkRP server which is now defunct, but I do have a good recollection of DarkRP server commands and a good knowledge of the general expectations of a staff member in any community. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe that I would be a good member of the Prometheus Network team due to my level of dedication and consistency in anything that I put my time into. I have not been a part of this community for an extensive length of time but I do think that despite this, I would make a positive impact on the server. I would ask that those reading this application be willing to take a chance on me and give me an opportunity to provide a positive and high-quality experience to the player base. Furthermore, I think that given my level of maturity and my experience in dealing with people on a daily basis (I advise university students in my current job), I have a high understanding of how to speak to others and ensure that people are always enjoying their time whilst within the community. This would also provide me with the necessary ability to calmly discuss situations with people in-game. Outside of the game I think I am quite a relaxed, kind and respectful person, and I believe that I would fit in well with the current staff team based on my conversations and interactions with them both in-game and out of the game. Beyond this, I think I would be a fair and reasonable person who would efficiently enforce the rules of the server whilst maintaining the high standard of professionalism which is expected of a member of the staff team. I would also add that as someone who is living in the UK, I will be highly active during both "down-time" and when the server is at it's full player count - ensuring that all of the server rules are being followed and the roleplay experience is maximised. Being apart of the community would allow me to focus on giving back to the player base and ensuring that everyone who joins Prometheus has an enjoyable and fun experience and being able to assist in that would give me a great level of satisfaction. I am a really avid history fan, studying history as an undergraduate subject at University and think this community provides an amazing alternative history experience for role players and being able to contribute to that as a member of the staff team would be a real opportunity for me. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: I believe that the duties and responsibilities of the position of staff is to provide a fair and enjoyable experience to the player base. This is achieved through multiple different duties that range from punishing players who don’t follow the rules to interacting and assisting new players with any questions they might have regarding the server. I also think that one of the key duties of a staff member is that when they’re not on their staff character they are providing a high-quality level of roleplaying that other players can get involved with and enjoy. It’s especially important that when on their non-staff characters they do not utilise their added information on players to gain any advantages in RP. My interpretation of a key responsibility of staff members is that they need to remain fair and reasonable in their enforcement of the rules and ensure that there isn’t an abuse of power in order for the server to retain its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Further to this, as a staff member it’s incredibly important that they refrain from being biased in sits with players and remain impartial to all rulebreakers keeping a completely neutral stance. Outside of applying punishments to rulebreakers and ensuring everyone has a good experience, duties might include PK’ing civilian characters if they fit the PK guidelines, providing new faction members with their rank, faction and uniforms. As well as general interaction with the player base on the forums and Discord - keeping the reputation of Prometheus Networks held high. Notes:
  9. +1 Strong staff application and detailed answers. Best of luck!
  10. +1 Really strong application with focused answers, would make a great staff member in my opinion.

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