Your Name: GIGNsargent
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:1:439410146):
Appeal Type (Apology):
Which staff member banned you?: ichbineinbrotm
How long is your ban for?: 2 months and 25 days
Why were you banned?: NITRP | Metagame
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: So from what I know I told the MOI that I resign from my position thru DM's and then left the server to go play R6, when I came back to join the server I was banned, I asked a friend of mine why he thought I was banned and he said, 'you were going to get fired then you told them you resigned now they think you Metagamed via discord DM's.' The situation seemed to be very misunderstood, what I said in DM's on discord were poorly timed and I did not explain to the staff member the situation and I would like to apologize for it and hope I could get unbanned as I did not metagame but due to poor timing it looked Like I did
Additional Information: N/A