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  1. if 30 days ban isnt enough i will be okay with my char being pkd if ban isnt enough i dont mind risking a char to die
  2. If you do give me a second chance i will accept any punishment and you can ban me for 30days as a punishment for doing a mistake i do apoloigise and hope you can forgive me
  3. and i do apologise for doing that but i didnt know they were seraching for me and i didnt go afk to prevent being arrested i ddnt i rlly didnt know and i didnt fake being afk i actually went afk and then came back i never faked it. and i apolgise for leaving the scene it was a mistake i do understand you think i left because of Nsb but i didnt i actually just wanted to go grab some but i didnt mean to leave i know you think i i did mean it but i didnt and im sorry i do learn from mistakes but you didnt wait for me to come back to talk i never got a chance. it was stupid of me to change char i know but i its a mistake believe me i do mistakes. and i deeply apologise for doing mistakes but i do them because i dont understand some situations. im bad at rp im not goodf with it i will admit that but i didnt mean to leave i know you wont forgive me for doing so. but i rlly love prometheus server and i loved playing in the server i dont deserve to be banned perm for doing a mistake i know i have done things in the past but i do learn and i wanna learn more so i dont do the mistakes again. i rlly want a second chance to be better and not repeat them. and i didnt mean to ltarp i apolgise and hope you can give me a second chance if not thank you for letting me spend time in the server as much as i could the server is the best and i love it but if i cant get a chance then how can i become better so i dont repeat mistakes in game. it was stupid of me to leave and i deeply apologise and regret for doing so. I hope you can forgive me and give me a second chance to learn from my mistakes and misunderstandings that can happen when i rp i do apologise

    ban Appeal

    Your Name: Fornell-dd SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:217797235 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute Which staff member banned you?: Hound How long is your ban for?: permanent Why were you banned?: Ltarp Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: So i didnt ltarp i just wanted to switch character to my other and i didnt even leave the server he just banned me permanent. i never even meant to ltarp and i didnt want to leave a situation if i knew it was a active situation i would have not changed character and i guess this is a big misunderstanding cause i like rping in yall server and having fun but i didnt mean to ltarp i didnt know it was a situation i couldnt leave no one aimed at me or did anything against me. i didnt see anything wrong by changing character but if i did a mistake i apologise i never meant or had a purpose to leave and i did a mistake. like i said i do apologise for changing character. and i hope you can take my apology. i know i have a whole record of Ltarp but i this one isnt on purpose it was a misunderstanding and i could just have been talked to change back but i didnt even get a minute to speak to a staff. i know its my faut for leaving by changing character but i didnt know it was a rp scene i rlly didnt know and i do understand my action can have consequenses but this one is a misunderstanding. I went afk for a min on my other char but then when i came back i was banned so i cant have a chance to talk. i apologise once again. I didnt mean to leave and i deeply apologise and i do regret my decision for changing char mid a scene i didnt know was a scene i couldnt leave i never meant to leave. Additional Information:

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: Fornell-dd SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:217797235 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: ThirdEye How long is your ban for?: Week and 3 days Why were you banned?: Initiating MRDM'S, Lying in a Sit Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: so a guy falsly reported me and i got banned for that reason i didnt initate a rdm or anything and the guy just reports me for no reason i didnt do anything wrong i was walking to the icc and they accuse me he didnt show me proof or anything and i didnt lie he didnt wanna believe me when i said i didnt initate anything and just went ahead and banned me. I didnt do anything i didnt initate i didnt kill people and i never lied and i think its wrong to be banned whens theres no proof and the staff thinks its me even though its someone else who killed the others and i was rp like others i didnt break any rules and i get instead targeted by the NSB saying i gave someone a gun even though i never did and he accused me for no reason and im sorry whatever i did but i never killed any one or give guns i dont give anyone guns and i would like to get a second chance at life and get to have fun like people in the server im innocent and i never did anything i was at the wrong time wrong place and different time and i get accused instead but i would like to have fun like other people and just enjoy the game but i get to be met with a ban for a stupid reason that i never commited Additional Information:

    PK Appeal

    Character's name & rank: Hauptmann David Hardmen SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:217797235 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): idk who Explain why you were PK'd: got pkd for moving while under gunpoint i didnt run just moving a little then they shot me i didnt shoot or do anything they killed me and they have been harassing me the soldiers who wanted to arrest me they did this like 3 times and its annoying i never did anything wrong if did im not sorry for it for the soldiers didnt mention they have been harassing me for the past 1 hour in the server Why should you be un-PK'd?: I should be unpkd because the i think its unfair that i was pkd the soldiers who was in the server did that many times to me and i followed their orders then this time i didnt because it became annoying. They harassed me shot me and shot me again and again and now when they have me under gun point they chose to pk me because they have something against me. I Didnt have any issue with them they just go up to people and shoot them how is that even fair to be shot for no reason the soldiers have no right to just arrest me and think its rightful to even arrest like what did i even do to deserve that. i was pkd unfairly and not within the law they could have just arrested me but they chose to shot me becuase they want me to be pkd. Additional Information: i would like a second chance to rp again with my char and i promise i wont break any rules or anything that can cause me to be pkd. I may have done some wrong by moving but i never ran so i never did and i would like to be given a chance to show that i can be better and not break the rp and just follow it to the extent or whatever will happen when i get arrested by that i promise i will not move next time when under gunpoint and i will follow the rules and im sorry for moving and making them shoot me
  7. Your Name: Fornell-dd SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:217797235 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology Which staff member banned you?: Saito How long is your ban for?: 30 days Why were you banned?: LTARP | Massive LTARP PO's Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe I should be unbanned from the Prometheus Network because I have had time to reflect on my actions and understand where I went wrong. My behavior was out of character and does not reflect my true intentions or the respect I have for this community. I’ve realized the importance of adhering to the rules and maintaining a positive and supportive environment. Moving forward, I am committed to being a more constructive and responsible member. my time on Prometheus Network have been valuable and I am eager to continue offering my skills and knowledge to help others. I’ve gained a lot from being part of this community and want to give back in meaningful ways. Whether it’s through sharing resources, offering technical support, or participating in discussions, or having fun with the community and their members I am ready to prove that I can be a positive. Lastly, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was affected by my previous actions. I understand that trust needs to be rebuilt and I am willing to put in the effort to earn it back. I hope to be given a second chance to show that I can learn from my mistakes and contribute positively to the Prometheus Network. Thank you for considering my appeal. Additional Information: I want to sincerely apologize for my recent actions that led to my ban from the server. I understand that my behavior was disruptive and went against the values we uphold as a community. I take full responsibility for my mistakes and recognize that I let down myself that my actions affected the community. During my time of when i got banned I have taken the opportunity to reflect on my behavior and the impact it had on others. I have come to realize how important it is to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere within the server. The Prometheus Network has been a place of learning, collaboration, and growth for many of us, and I understand now how crucial it is to contribute to that atmosphere. I am committed to making amends and ensuring that my future interactions align with the values of kindness and support that define our community. To continue rp and not brake character neither to brake the rules I truly value the relationships I have built here and the knowledge I’ve gained from being part of this network. If given the opportunity to be forgiven and unbanned I promise to approach every interaction with respect and to actively contribute in a positive way. I am eager to demonstrate that I have learned from this experience and that I am dedicated to being a better member of the Prometheus Network. Thank you for considering my apology, and I hope to be welcomed back into the server soon.

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