Your Name: Snick Moral
SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Steam ID: 76561199242684957
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Gary
How long is your ban for?: Perma
Why were you banned?: I'm not sure (It's been a long time)
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I've started to gain a lot of experience on gmod and deserve to be unbanned. I read over the rules and I've reflected on my actions in the past and feel as if I can be a better community player if I were to be unbanned and want to play on the server. During my time on other 1942 RP servers I have gained a lot of valuable experience and believe that I deserve another chance to prove that here on Prometheus. I've held a command position on Prometheus (Bataillonsleiter in the VW) in the past and took that very seriously.
Additional Information: Coffee had stated I could still appeal if I was banned some time ago if I just went to the forums.