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Everything posted by Donamyslu

  1. It was worth a try to get Un-PK'd welp il just start over
  2. Stabsbootmann Wilhelm Shulte https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199146722362/ Staff member who issued the PK: No idea Explain why you were PK'd: I was PK'd becuse I was reckless driving on the streets of berlin Lapo "pulled" me over and I got out of the car and I accidently missclicked and shot a bullet then I got very quickly killed by the lapo I didnt kill or damage any of the Lapo you might also asked why i had by gun equiped I had my gun equiped becuse I heard somone shooting so incase somone tried to kill me (not lapo) I had my gun out. Why should you be un-PK'd?: It was an missclick and I spend alot of time on this character I just want it back and continue my Military career. I forgot to add that I was lagging.
  3. Name: Gefrieter Frederic Steiner SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:593228317 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Vixx. Alright so I walked to the bank, I wanted to talk with the bank staff, and guy came into the bank. I asked him if he could leave he refused to so, I blocked the way as well a stupid joke and so he couldnt hear what we would both talk about in the conversation. I improved alright? by that I mean ALOT I would also want to build stuff like: checkpoints, improve the base and much more. (Note) I firstly didnt know what you meant by you need to improve it I thought you mean't like in game not hire anyway thanks Vixx for explaining that.
  4. Name: Gefrieter Frederic Steiner SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:593228317 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Vixx . Props and as a Innocent joke I blocked the entrance to the bank for five secs the server wasnt really active like there were ten people so it didnt do anything really. I am very sorry for that and I beg you becuse I want to create things.
  5. Name: Gefrieter Frederic Steiner SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:593228317 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Vixx . Props and as a Innocent joke I blocked the entrance to the bank for five secs the server wasnt really active like there were ten people so it didnt do anything really. I am very sorry for that .
  6. Prop Pushing ? The first case is also Intresting becuse I only build a fence around the base but alr Like I dont know what you call fair hire becuse when somone prop kills me and I want to call the admins it fucking takes one hour but on the other hand when somone else is against me you just come in a sec like wtf
  7. Name: Gefrieter Frederic Steiner . SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:593228317 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Vixx . Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Well I was playing around with props and as a joke I blocked the entrance to the bank for five secs the server wasnt really active like there were ten people active so there werent any people at all so I didnt want to do anything bad really and I am sorry for that becuse it was all for a joke like if anyone said hey let me go through I would let them in the bank and not hold them . Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: Well I only done it as a joke only and I didnt really wanted to do anything bad also i am kinda new to this and i dont know somethings so yeah i am very sorry for what happpend and i asure you it was only fot an Innocent joke .

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