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Da Epic Goose

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Da Epic Goose last won the day on January 12

Da Epic Goose had the most liked content!

About Da Epic Goose

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  1. +1 He has a good app and seems like a nice guy.
  2. -1 A lot of POs and never heard of you.
  3. Hi, I'm the staff member that took the flags. It's not a long story really, the person who I took the flags from was trying to prop fly into the ICC. Once I saw it I pulled him in a sit and told him to stop and then 2 seconds later proceedes to do it again.
  4. +1 App looks good, has more than enough playtime and few notes.
  5. Hi, I'm the staff member who banned you for metagaming. In this case, you've been banned because you messaged a member of the MGD informing him of an NSB raid prior to any pings in IC announcements. While this could have been overlooked, you, after being informed that this is metagaming by the person whom you messaged, continued on and asked him to join hence why this was a ban instead of a note.
  6. Neutral The amount of notes makes me want to -1 this but since you've put effort into this app and as well as having a lot of staff recommendations I will go ahead and just stay neutral on this.
  7. +1 Great app and has experience.
  8. Da Epic Goose

    Staff app

    -1 Notes, hard to read app, grammar mistakes, and no clue who you are.
  9. +1 Active member of the community, has staff recommendations and great app.

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