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Everything posted by GuTTe

  1. Your Name: Discord: papaoutte/ IC: Heinrich Hoffmann SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:59083232 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Ser_Hound How long is your ban for?: 4 weeks Why were you banned?: I deleted my character because i had to sleep, had to go work tomorrow. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: NSB came to pick me up from the ICC together with PCO, and they took me away. I started my stopwatch to keep track of the time because I couldn't stay for long, and based on the time, I was planning to call the staff and ask them to get me out. This was because last time, NSB left me in the cell and literally forgot about me, keeping me inside for 4 hours straight. I continued roleplaying without breaking character, even though they forced me to sign a document using powergaming tactics after 1 hour, and they threatened that if I didn't sign it, I would be PK'd, and even if I did sign, I might still be PK'd. They said they might save me if I signed. I didn't say anything inappropriate, I stayed in character because I enjoy roleplaying. However, I got tired and called an admin to teleport me to BB because NSB admitted they forgot about me in the cells; they had gone on another operation. Yesterday, they took me again, and I was taken to the MOI for questioning. I continued roleplaying properly without saying anything inappropriate or offensive. After 1 hour, when I refused to sign anything again, they started filling out a dossier in a ridiculous manner. I accepted it and continued to answer unrelated questions properly. In the end, I got very sleepy, and my eyes were hurting because I had to go to work the next day. Naturally, because I live in Europe, it was very late according to American time. I wrote to the admins again and said, "Please note this, I'm logging off because I need to sleep in real life." Hound came and asked, "How long have you been here?" I replied, "It's been exactly 1 hour and 16 minutes now." After that, he didn't say anything, he remained completely silent, and the NSB members continued pretending to roleplay (although the roleplay was completely over) saying things like, "Sign the informant document, you'll work for us," and "Accept these crimes and sign this too." My eyes were hurting by that point, and I was getting frustrated because they did the same thing to me last time. I said, "Look, I'll just delete my character completely because I'm tired of this." Hound asked why, and I said, "Because I'm tired of these dickheads literaly." I then asked, "What happens if I log off now?" He responded, "I'll PK your character by tomorrow, and you'll continue this roleplay tomorrow." I then said, "Then just PK me now, I'll delete the character completely, and let's be done with this." At that moment, Hound didn't say anything to me. I swear on my parents, I swear on God, I didn't hear anything. He just laughed at me. He didn't say anything like, "If you delete your character now, I'll ban you." I swear on everything that he didn't say that, but he assumed he did. When I switched to my other character, I wrote to the admins again, saying, "Please open my blindfold, I deleted the other character, I'm logging off." Then I received a 4-week ban. He's saying he PK'd all my characters just because I'm "retarded." He says that because I'm a "retard," all my characters were PK'd. Look, I'm not a player who doesn't know how to roleplay. I just got really tired of this, and these guys told me, "You can't log off, and you have to stay here for 8 hours." This is just a game, and we can't allow it to interfere with real life, right? I think this is very unreasonable. There are many players in the server with officer characters, but I've never seen anyone get their character PK'd or banned just for being a "retard." Yes, deleting my character at that moment was a mistake, but I swear I didn't know and I didn't hear him say that. I was sleepy, and I swear I didn't if he says he told me, i didn't hear him. If I had heard that I would get a 4-week ban, why would I delete my character at that moment? Please think logically. I'm willing to accept the PK of that character, even if it was an officer, but I request that my other character be reinstated and my ban lifted. I apologize for this incident. It wasn't intentional, and I swear it won't happen again. If it does, you can ban me permanently; let this be recorded in writing. I didn't say anything bad to you in DM, Hound, and you kept calling me "retard." I wanted to explain myself to you, but you just kept calling me "retard." However, I'm not blaming you, and I apologize to you as well. Additional Information: As I mentioned, I am not a disruptive player; my intention is not to troll. I am a serious roleplayer, and I want to continue my role with my other character. I have never spoken badly to anyone on the server, I have never trolled anyone, and no one has complained about me until now. I just wanted to escape from NSB, and I even switched characters, but they insisted I return. I was forced to continue that role, but I still didn't say anything inappropriate. I am letting go of that character and want to continue roleplaying with my other character. Please accept my apology. With all my regards to all Staff Members and Upper administration.

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