'I staff a RP server but I don't like to RP'. Does it makes sense to you that not NEEDING an RP reason explicitly doesn't mean you shouldn't have one because you should be RPing a character? Isn't that what FailRP exists as a rule for? Is this not a textbook example of ruleplay?
I switched to my staff character to spy on the faction I just tried to bait a PK out of???? Hello???
Here's my involvement. This entire situation where you're still pretending to be KSD shouldn't have happened. According to Angel, who dismissed you, and without any evidence to the contrary, you were fired from the faction and then took advantage of the fact that trusted doesn't exist anymore and just logged off the char before you could be transferred out of uniform and had your named changed.
However, you know better. And I expect fully that you know better because you're staff. Frankly, if you were a semblance of someone who cared about the actual "roleplay" (which you already indicated you don't because you don't "need" an RP reason to do things) then you would've transferred yourself out. What you did if all of that is true, and again, I've seen no evidence to the contrary, is you LEFT TO AVOID ROLEPLAY. Under normal circumstances, that would be a ban.
This entire thing is ridiculous.
PS. Learn to use periods between complete thoughts. You're 21.