Your Name: Enrich Eagle
SteamID32 ( STEAM_0:0:890889102)
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute
Which staff member banned you?:
Admin Who banned my character
How long is your ban for?: I don't know it's showed me banned
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:
Why were you banned?: In the beginning, I was on my way to the military base, and suddenly I saw two of the gang pinning me with a gun and they said, “Don’t move.” He said, “I want to join the army,” and he pointed a gun at me, but I ran away because they were aiming the gun at me, so I shoted them in fear . Before they shot me, one of them asked the admin to accuse me of starting the first, and I recited the evidence to him, but the admin defended him, and while we were talking, I did not stop talking, and while I was talking with the accused admin suddenly banned me , I was on the military character but banned by admin And this situation
thank you ,
Additional Information: No more