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About Themonkinizer

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  1. hey so my phone got ran over, thats what i use for discord and audible comms. for that reason i have been gone. sorry for the lack of communication. that was the day i said i would be in 15 mins.
  2. +1 known him for a while, we were staff at the same time, he was good at what he did. pretty cool dude all around.
  3. hey, i have an i5 4th gen with 16gb of ram, i am running the 64/82 beta, but when the workshop completes{i am subscribed to the content packs via steam} i find that the video will not load the character selection, however when i move the mouse around the cursor shows that there is something able to be selected around where the char list would be, but still stuck on splash screen saying workshop complete. i have rebooted pc and retried multiple times with no repreve. if anyone can help me fix this, that would be greatly appreaciated. sorry for spelling i got the stroke brain.

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