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  • Birthday October 12

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  1. -1 you've literally missed a question
  2. +1 - chan wei - tiny china - most successful player enticing business rp i've seen in years - great honour
  3. moth

    General uniforms

    Neutral Could be useful for the separate piping with the Implementation of Heeresverwaltung as well as other administrative officers,
  4. Neutral Good concept but easily abusable as Hound said.
  5. moth

    Baton Update

    -1 easily abusable by LaPo anwarters with 2 hours on gmod aswell as overall minges, no thanks, fearrp exists for a reason.
  6. Neutral Prop increases are always a valid idea for the right players, however humongous dupes can an effect on the server performance.
  7. +1 Great for easily identifiable sanitäters, especially during events, civil wars, etc.
  8. moth

    MGD Patches

    -1 As said above, defeats the purpose of the MGD. Also to note, the MGD models are not the camo FJ models, people just use them occasionally, the actual MGD models listed on the model sheet are completely different to those of the Feldjägers.

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