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  1. 1. Perspective is a very important thing, i had no reason to believe you were there to be transferred, nor did you speak with me regardless. 2. I wasnt apart of that group for the majority as I had left to get members of the military to detain you (As its the ICC). The other members of the party had followed you, when I seen you you were near the edge of the BB, I hit you in an attempt to stop you from turning the corner and firing. (AS I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE TRANSFERRING) 3. I dont mean to be hostile, nor give off the impression that Im not sorry, (not that its an apology) I didnt mean to kill you regardless, but I did have a reason. Just because you were there to transfer, doesnt change anything. I saw an NSB agent inside the garage, we cornered them and ran to get military, at which point I came back and seen you running. My intent was to knock you over not kill you. Nor do I think NITRP is fit, as you mentioned “the group” and I was the only one to be targeted with nitrp additionally I wasnt with “the group” as like I said previously, I was getting the military to detain you. I made the appeal with as soon as I could, with 5 days left on my ban.
  2. Your Name: Frog SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:111707199 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: ThirdEyeSchizo How long is your ban for?: 7 Days From Time Of Ban Why were you banned?: VDM / NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: An NSB member was inside of the ICC, I ended up hitting the NSB with a borrowed car as they failed to stop after 4 members of both Party & Military attempted to detain them. My intentions were to knock out the person, so they could be easily arrested. Due to trajectory the person was slammed into the wall and died, However VDM still feels like a stretch as I had a valid reason to use vehicle based force (By failing to stop). NITRP is hard to dispute, but I feel like my ban should be lessened due to my activity and the timing (was insanely late at night & I was messing around within closed doors). Additional Information: Apologies, but it was insanely late, and I didn't inventively mean to kill them.
  3. Description of the idea: Adding more civilian opportunities; Jobs, housing & RP. Why should this be added?: I understand the nature of the server & its politics based RP. However civilian RP plays a key part into making factions (and various RPs) have purpose. Currently civilians have essentially 2 options to become a criminal (Drug based / illegal weapons - leading to crime) & or join a faction. Which leads into another issue plaguing the server, minging. Every faction is dying for starving for members, which leads every recruiting officer to the civ spawn, leading to people with zero previous playtime into joining factions, regardless of whether or not factions recruiting guidelines are met it still becomes a huge issue, because recruiters who are pressured into constantly recruiting dont necessarily care whether or not they follow guidelines. IN SHORT; Civilians need more opportunities relating to being a civilian, as all current options lead to civilians no longer being civilians. What negatives could this have?: Less people to be recruited into factions & more members staying in the civilian field. Additional information: AGAIN; I understand the nature of the server, however civilian RP is very important. Whether or not the roleplay centers around factions, having new players joining these factions DOESNT HELP. As most of these new players will just troll and then proceed to leaving the server, the alternative being; these civilians stay civilians and have to play the server longer in order to be into a position to troll (GIVING NEW PLAYERS LONGER TO SEE THE NATURE OF THE SERVER). Apologies for it being somewhat repetitive.

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