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Everything posted by Sticky-Trap

  1. Also this is to Sppoky - why are you commenting on my PK Appeal, where you involved ? , are you a admin or moderator ? if not you have no business commenting on my appeal. ! Just reposting the above incase your not admin - and incase you try and delete your post !
  2. Also Just like to add Coffee, im not insinuating or suggesting that you are aiding the rougue LAPO members that are PK hunting players in my added comments i made , as your a senior trusted admin, But im certain, quite certain that the Rougue LAPO members i mentioned are being aided by a new junior moderator /admin that is quite possibly a lapo or NSB agent. Also i was under the impression Coffee that players where not meant to comment on PK appeals unless they where directly involed or admin, is this true ? Can you confirm please ? Also this is to Sppoky - why are you commenting on my PK Appeal, where you involved ? , are you a admin or moderator ? if not you have no business commenting on my appeal. ! Thanks.
  3. Character's name : Hunter Osterman Rank Kompanieleiter. SteamID32: STICKY-TRAP 76561198001056273 Staff member who issued the PK Coffee Explain why you were PK'd: I have been told its because i initiated a gunfight with a lapo officer & i lost the gunfight. I saw the Lapo officer approaching me, and i believe he had his gun out and so did i, and he may of said something, im not sure, if he did i didnt hear it, i think he made a motion with his gun, im entirely not sure, but in the heat of the moment i opened fire on him, not sure if i hit him, but he killed me. i spawned in VW spawn and as i had to go to work to make a living i logged off promethius map right after that. The events leading up to that, i was at KG base when there was a rougue Lapo patrol that stormed the KG base and killed many KG personel, including Myself, later while in VW the lapo also stormed the RM and specifically the VW base and again killed many VW players, there was virtually no initiation on both times and basically the lapo killed many KG and VW with no consequences and no punishment on both times they stormed the KG base and also the VW base then proceeded to arrest all the KG and VW that were in the respective bases, so i think its a bit harsh my charactor was PK, but accept taht it is a process, and my actions where wrong. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I made a rash unwise decision to enter the Lapo station without thinking of the consequences of my actions, and i am sorry for that and i ask that please can my charactor be un-PK banned. I was simply thinking of my fellow VW comrades that had been imprisoned by lapo, and i was simply trying to help them, with no regard for the consequences, i guess i got carried away in the heat of the moment, and if i am un-PK i will l not put my charactor in jeopardy by similar actions. Additional Information: Basically lapo had over the last 40 minutes prior to this had a rougue squad of officers making bold raids on several instances and i guess i over-reacted in what my actions where in the lapo station, i made a poor decision, and basically i ask please for another chance for my charactor to be un-PK`d, and will endeavor for my charactor to be not so reckless in his actions in the future. Looking back at game play on this server when i mentioned above rougue lapo officers i would like to elaborate on that. over the course of say 3 to 4 weeks prior to this PK i have been subjected to at least 4 PK attempts - and always and only by lapo officers , im pretty certain that there are a party of rougue lapo officers usually a crew /club/gang of about 2 to sometimes 4 lapo officers that make a sport out of PK hunting for the hell, / or sport of it / like a competition , who can get the most - because they can, and as often as they can, sometimes switching charactors to nsb during the roleplay to aid the roleplay so they can grant themselves legal priveledge or immunity or be advantageous to the roleplay schenario. on 4 of the occasions lapo have attempted to PK me its started with something trivial like J-walking ticket that i refuse to pay / followed by attempted blackmail / extortion like a unrealistic fine like 25000 Reichmark to each Lapo present, or if you dont pay a trumped up list of false charges, followed by interrigation in all places in the secret room next door to civillain spawn - and not lapo base so thier supperiors dont see thier currupt behavior then low and behold later down the track the threat of execution if you dont pay ( so they can then make a PK request on you if you are executed) or pay the super inflated fine then sign a non disclosure doc and all the charges dissapper or the threat of execution and PK if you dont comply with thier blackmail/extortion attempt , then next thing you know lapo have called a admin trying to get me PK`d. So the allegation im making is of about up to 4 Lapo Officers who some of them switch roles (metagame ) in the process, and also potentially also 1 of them could quite possible be a moderrater or junior admin as i heard them saying they are friends. Its always lapo, Any other players that have been PK`d i ask them was it by interation with LAPO ? if so speak up. to try to get them weeded out ! ( not for my PK Appeal because thats against the rules but more so to acknowledge and confirm there is a problem with certain LAPO members that are PK hunting doing this ) Basically The dirty LAPO rougue members are using dirty underhanded, unsportsmanlike, methods going out thier way trying to get players PK / extorting players withthe threat of insinuation PK if you dont comply , and some switching roles in the process if they need authorisation from say NSB for like a execution to benifit their objective. The events leading up to this PK im pretty sure the Lapo generals would not of authorised a raid of the Kaiserguard base killing at least 6 to 10 of then proceeding to arrest them once they had respawned, then when we Valkswatched a group of 7 of us proceeded to go to LAPO and ask why LAPO stormed KG Base we where all gunned down, in the LAPO lobby Then after 5 minutes at Valkswatch Base LAPO storm the Reichmarch base and break into Valkswatch base by means of a gunfight killing all, then proceeding to arrest all but me , those are the events leading up to the PK event. I simply was there to aid my VW men in being released. Where any of the lapo punished for thier actions in the before mentioned events with Kaiserguard and Volkswatch ? Im a regular player on the server and have been a member for about just over a year and a bit and generally dont grief or minge on the server. The edit i made is the last 2 paragraphs only, and a typo, and adding coffee as the admin who pk me 29/08/24 Thanks.

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