Your Name: Karl Boris
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:702801228
Staff Member's Name(s): PR-N | Arrow / Mr_Arrovv
Staff Member's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:1:701025846
Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): VDM (Hit multiple people and killed at least 1), RDM (Killing somebody for no reason with a car) ,Staff Powers ( pulling someone into a sit who killed him when he ran someone over), abuse of C flags (Spawning a car, driving it into the hospital, hitting several people), Involvement of a staff character OOC in a situation concerning his IC character, NITRP (Driving a vehicle into a hospital and hitting several people).
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):
Additional Information: Speaking with an old friend in the hospital lobby, I begin to hear a car engine. Looking out of the hospital windows, I see a man driving his vehicle into the hospital's main lobby. Demanding several times he leave, he continued to drive about the lobby, before reversing and demanding we “Turn the door the other way, otherwise it's impossible to leave.” Attempting to vacate the hospital, the man begins to violently reverse and ram the door, and hits 1 or 2 people trying to leave. After he finally gets his car through the door, my good friend, Otto von Licht, DRK president and basically the caretaker of the hospital walks to the stairs leading into the hospital, where the man reverses over Otto, ragdolling and killing him. Arrow attempts to drive away after that, but gets stuck on the lip of the sidewalk. Another member of the DRK opens up with his semi-automatic pistol, and kills the man. He then says something about him banning the DRK before his body’s ragdoll despawns. Moments later, the DRK disappears in front of me while I was questioning him in RP. He was taken to a sit by Arrow, and the man driving the car turned out to be one of Arrow’s IC characters. Later, the DRK member returns, and Arrow gave him a note, which is exactly as follows: “Note | 1735332064 | Mr_Arrovv(STEAM_0:1:701025846)RDM | Ban on next offense.”