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  1. You are a minge. You were given orders to let go of the situation. You were searching for reasons to PK. None of the admins were able to provide me with the so called breaking the FearRP rule. Radio'ing while under FearRP isn't a written rule. The admins told me its common sense and did not really provide me which rule it was. I have been playing the server for max of 2 weeks. Someone who has joined the first time and read through the rules wouldn't be able to understand that as it is not written. It could've been all avoided if rule indicated that radio cannot be used under FearRP or you get PK'd. Common Sense depends on the person interpreting it. I have seen people use binds that say "Don't use your radio." which where i got the impression that they have to specify it. If i wanted to break FearRP i would have pulled out a gun and started shooting but no i followed every order given.
  2. Character's name & rank: NSB-Kommisar Simon Steintz SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:124110588 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): IDK Explain why you were PK'd: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iy5UzocoHbxbJRsnq/d1337SrUrkFj?invite=cr-MSw2NVEsMjU5ODQwNjgzLA Why should you be un-PK'd?: The rules clearly state that While under FearRP you are required to oblige by the commands of your captor. If you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would then display a disregard for your own safety. This is a calculated risk you took, or a denial to value your own life, which will result in your PK. I have followed all the orders given to me by the LaPo. Nobody has told me to not radio in anything. If they did i clearly wouldnt have tried it. In nowhere in the rule it states that i can't do what i did. If anything the LaPo enlisted that sent the clip was hunting for PK's. Additional Information: None

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