Character's name & rank: NSB-Kommisar Simon Steintz
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:124110588
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): IDK
Explain why you were PK'd:
Why should you be un-PK'd?: The rules clearly state that
While under FearRP you are required to oblige by the commands of your captor. If you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would then display a disregard for your own safety. This is a calculated risk you took, or a denial to value your own life, which will result in your PK.
I have followed all the orders given to me by the LaPo. Nobody has told me to not radio in anything. If they did i clearly wouldnt have tried it. In nowhere in the rule it states that i can't do what i did. If anything the LaPo enlisted that sent the clip was hunting for PK's.
Additional Information: None