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  1. Your Name: P3rcival SteamID STEAM_0:0:774469107 Appeal Type (Apology Which staff member banned you?: Vixx How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Because i killed somebody for no reason and because i logged in my sec acc Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I wanna apologyze i think ive learned my lesson and have readed the rules and this wont happen again i promise this i wanna play again Additional Information: This was all my fault
  2. alr bro chill out i just wanna get unbanned and apologize i dont want trpuble
  3. but if he isnt an admin why does he wanna make sure
  4. i believe i dont have the id,but why u want it i dont trust that question.
  5. bro i dont mean to do it a tone like o yeah my borther wa splaying not me , i mean it i actually wanna play ive been offline for more than 2 months and my brother created a whole other acc just to play.
  6. well i mean i just feel like my apology is getting trhown like trash even tho im telling the truth bro like ive been banned for more than 2 months like can i just get unbanned i read the rules i learned my lesson and know is ready to start again like bro
  7. i do have a brother tho he is 3 years older than me
  8. Your Name: P3ricival SteamID P3ricival (STEAM_0:0:774469107) Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Vixx How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: RDM | PO's | Please read the rules. feel sorry for what i did and i feel like shooting a scientist in the head is really unfair fro the people trying to enjoy the expirience of this server like him so i just wanted to make a honest apology and just want to like be sorry with you guys adn let it all out sorry,my brother tried playing after me and i think it got us both banned permanently by accident sorry abput that too idk if its a glitch or something.i got banned at 2024-08-29 22:13:46 user P3ricival
  9. I feel sorry for what i did and i feel like shooting a scientist in the head is really unfair fro the people trying to enjoy the expirience of this server like him so i just wanted to make a honest apology and just want to like be sorry with you guys adn let it all out sorry,my brother tried playing after me and i think it got us both banned permanently by accident sorry abput that too idk if its a glitch or something.i got banned at 2024-08-29 22:13:46 user P3ricival

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