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The Reverend

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  1. Sad to know that a MODERATOR doesn't even know the RULES of the server. Rule 5 clearly says: You cannot roleplay as a psychopath, hitman, serial killer or any role that strictly involves killing other players. Any killing(s) done as a result of this kind of roleplay will be considered RDM. SO SAD! WRITTEN BY THE REVEREND
  2. Hey Groove! Glad to know you've been having fun. Some basic advice I can give you is just the following - get involved! Enlist in the army or the Emperor's Guard, or sign up for government service with the federal government, choice is yours! Just make sure that whenever you go anywhere you repeatedly tell people how fat Lentz is.
  3. We killed you for the following reasons: You betrayed the Party and attempted to sway the members of the People's Watch to support the Ministry for the Interior, rather than siding with the Party, during an active conflict in the middle of an investigation into the actions of the Ministry for the Interior by the Party on the Emperor's Orders. You then attempted to run back to the ICC when you realised that the MoI wasn't coming out winners in that instance. You had dirt / insider information on our activity / investigation which you have been more than privy to since your appointment as Chief of the People's Watch. You previously acted like a fool and have caused numerous headaches for the Party, and were warned that if you were to continue on this path you would end up dead. Your literal last words were "Glory to the Ministry of the Interior" before you were PKd. The PK also happened as a result of an NHC PK order. All of these things can be attested to / supported by the rest of the command of the Party.
  4. Steam Name: rbmk4 reactor? explodes? SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:79035663 Discord Username/ID: reverend69 Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Konsul Ludwig von Saarbrucken, Senator and Leader of the White Rose Coalition. What will you use the trusted rank for?: To transfer people into the faction, promote/demote members, and ensure that the simple task processes are done as quickly as possible. Staff Recommendations: N/A

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