Your Name: Noktornal
SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:99787966)
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you? Spooks
How long is your ban for? 7 days
Why were you banned?: MRDM | RDM in Sit | L loser
Apology: Last night I ended up killing a bunch of people as well as a guy during a sit while heavily inebriated. I wanted to make some form of effort in apologizing to both the group of people I RDMed in-game as well as apologize to Spooks and the LAPO guy I killed during a sit. Frankly I don't remember all of the people involved but I do remember the things I did. I should have known better and decided not to get on for the night in the first place. Whether or not this appeal alleviates anything, I don't plan on making the same mistake twice. Hopefully at least some of you are willing to accept my apology and if not, I tried!