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  1. Your Name: Tankman SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:511087243 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology/Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson How long is your ban for?: 2 months 8 days Why were you banned?: It says “Big Fat Retard. Likely has downs. Not fit for server.” I think its because I "RDMd" someone right before I got off / I didn't get put in a sit so idk exactly tbh. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I like to apologize for rdming the gentlemen for crashing his car into the ICC gate. I should have shown more restraint I should have tried to find someone else to restrain him (I didn't have any restraints) or tried to do it by myself instead of resorting to killing. In the future I will try show more restraint and fix my problems without shooting people. I am also disputing while what I did was wrong I don't believe I deserve a 2 month and one week ban for it. Additional Information: N/A
  2. TankMan

    Ban Appeal

    I second this story he was supposed to play with us we kept edging him on to join and one of our friends told him to buy an alt to join telling him the server "wouldn't know" which was follish. He just wanted play with his friends and rp. He puts a lot of hours in the server and is fun to rp with.

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