Dear Marshal and the Staff Team.
I am here to apologize for the incident during the Reichstag event on Saturday. I take full responsibility for what happened and the consequences that followed, and I truly regret the misunderstanding! During the event, I made the unfortunate mistake by accidentally triggering a voice line, which led to my character being banned. I can understand how frustrating that must have been, especially considering the earlier warnings about spamming voice lines. I should have been more careful with my keyboard inputs, and I fully own that mistake. But To clarify, I didn’t mean to cause any disruption or break the rules. I intended to press my Ave key (the ‘’ key), but in the heat of the moment, I accidentally hit the '[' key instead. I wasn’t looking down at the keyboard, and that’s when I triggered the voice line, "I understand." I realize that this mistake had consequences, and I should have been more careful. I know this could’ve been avoided if I had paid more attention, and I regret how things turned out. I respect the rules and the effort you and others put into organizing the events, and I want to assure you this won’t happen again!!! EVER!! Once again, I am deeply sorry for my actions and the disruption it caused. I appreciate your understanding, and I hope we can move past this.
Thank you for your time and for allowing me the chance to apologize.
Sincerely, Kofin Banker