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  1. Dear Marshal and the Staff Team. I am here to apologize for the incident during the Reichstag event on Saturday. I take full responsibility for what happened and the consequences that followed, and I truly regret the misunderstanding! During the event, I made the unfortunate mistake by accidentally triggering a voice line, which led to my character being banned. I can understand how frustrating that must have been, especially considering the earlier warnings about spamming voice lines. I should have been more careful with my keyboard inputs, and I fully own that mistake. But To clarify, I didn’t mean to cause any disruption or break the rules. I intended to press my Ave key (the ‘’ key), but in the heat of the moment, I accidentally hit the '[' key instead. I wasn’t looking down at the keyboard, and that’s when I triggered the voice line, "I understand." I realize that this mistake had consequences, and I should have been more careful. I know this could’ve been avoided if I had paid more attention, and I regret how things turned out. I respect the rules and the effort you and others put into organizing the events, and I want to assure you this won’t happen again!!! EVER!! Once again, I am deeply sorry for my actions and the disruption it caused. I appreciate your understanding, and I hope we can move past this. Thank you for your time and for allowing me the chance to apologize. Sincerely, Kofin Banker
  2. Im going this far because I've put effort in this Char and not gonna let some unjust PK get me.
  3. Character's name & rank: Kofin Banker, Stabfeldwebel SteamID32: 76561199487059656 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): N/A Explain why you were PK'd: I know it was a marshal at the time I was 'pk'ed.' I wasn't shot, I was just straight-up banned. The reason being that I had pressed '[' which triggers the voice line 'I understand.' After that, someone yelled, 'Don't do it again!' but it wasn't directed at me, it was for everyone. I had meant to press '' because that is my Ave key. I wasn't looking down at the keyboard, as most people are used to looking at the screen while using the keyboard. Of course, I accidentally pressed '[' and triggered the voice line. The next second, I was banned. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I understand that it seems like I did it on purpose, but I didn’t. I had no time to apologize or anything. It seems luck wasn’t on my side at that moment. I would just like to at least apologize or receive a demotion, not a PK. Additional Information: It was very active a lot of talking going on, been stressed and uptight due to dealing with slow people.
  4. Character's name & rank: Kofin Banker, Stabfeldwebel SteamID32: 76561199487059656 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): N/A Explain why you were PK'd: I know it was a marshal at the time I was 'pk'ed.' I wasn't shot, I was just straight-up banned. The reason being that I had pressed '[' which triggers the voice line 'I understand.' After that, someone yelled, 'Don't do it again!' but it wasn't directed at me, it was for everyone. I had meant to press '' because that is my Ave key. I wasn't looking down at the keyboard, as most people are used to looking at the screen while using the keyboard. Of course, I accidentally pressed '[' and triggered the voice line. The next second, I was banned. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I understand that it seems like I did it on purpose, but I didn’t. I had no time to apologize or anything. It seems luck wasn’t on my side at that moment. I would just like to at least apologize or receive a demotion, not a PK. Additional Information: It was very active a lot of talking going on, been stressed and uptight due to dealing with slow people.

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