Your Name: Ostalgist (previously Tschekist, Kosmoskost)
SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:47517395
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Verax
How long is your ban for?: Permanent
Why were you banned?: Many months ago, I stupidly did a Dennis (Modified Gaming Dennis) impression in front of a staff member. The night before, I did the same impression during a community voice event on the discord, and the chat found it funny. Unfortunately the staff member fell for the impression and permanently banned me. I didn't care initially, but now I want to scratch the Gmod itch. I really want to log into Berlin again. I'm sorry for doing the impression and I'm sorry for waiting so long.
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: It was a misunderstanding and I'm sorry. I've already spoken to fortnox about working in the Ministry of Truth if I get unbanned. Here, here, and here are some samples of previous work, similar to the kind of work I'd like to do if I'm let back on the server.
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