Your Name: divinelove
SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:571399780
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology and dispute
Which staff member banned you?: do not recall
How long is your ban for?: 14 days
Why were you banned?: Racism / nitrp
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Im really confused on why I got banned, yes i did get out of line and said the n word but thats after the fact that the people i said it too were minging, shot at the truck i was in for no reason and then when i said no im not getting out one of em starting calling me a f slur, i shouldve had a clip but i wasnt thinking it would escalate this far, then ofc dude clips a recording of me saying it after the fact that he started it. When i exit the truck I was in, they were trying to put restraints on me without any reason whatsoever so i backed away until a bunch of them started coming after me and the admin who banned me didnt even give me a warning nothing just straight up froze me with a phys gun. Im not lying i am wrong for running away from being arrested but i got disconnected for it why did it have to pursue intoa 14 DAY BAN not a couple hours, day or two no 2 fucking weeks for something i didnt start and ofc im gonna be called an idiot but thats fine i just want my ban lifted i dont think i deserve the 2 week ban
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