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gay robot

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Everything posted by gay robot

  1. I think telephones should be added, as it seems most people just use the "advertisement" function, having a more rp friendly way of communications aside from the radio would be nice
  2. Description of the idea: add the rest of the wooden boards as boards 02a 04a 05a 06a are whitelisted Why should this be added?: Make realistic building easier with fewer props What negatives could this have?: none, all props are smaller then board 05a already whitelisted. models/props_debris/wood_board01a.mdl models/props_debris/wood_board03a.mdl models/props_debris/wood_board07a.mdl
  3. Name: Randy Brunelle SteamID32: [U:1:252548263] Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: brownpug Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I blew up a friends vehicle using a prop after we lost a race during off hours Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I promise to not make the same mistakes, it was foolish of me to do so Additional Information:

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