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  1. TrenUser

    Ban Appeal

    Well i never had the intention to roleplay as that, i was indeed just trolling around. But whenever i see anti-semitism and other stuff like that being said in chat you moderators let all that shit slide. And i was thinking this wasnt supposed to be the same ww2 timelime as in real life, but the staff acts otherwise. In other words, cant be banning people for that shit when you let all the other shit slide. Perhaps its because the staff loves to wear black shirts if you know what im saying.
  2. TrenUser

    Ban Appeal

    Your Name: TrenUser SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199125470344 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): I used OOC chat to ask something to make sure this server isnt weird. The admin apparently didnt like this. He probably misunderstood my question. Which staff member banned you?: Vixx How long is your ban for?: 7 days Why were you banned?: the admins reason was: freak Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I like playing on the server and from my point of view the ban was really not needed. I always try to follow the rules. Additional Information: I cant get how people can openly say whatever in chat when what theyre saying is against the rules, aslong as the admin that is on likes it they dont get punished. But if you ask a question in OOC which the admin doesnt like altough its fine by the rules, you get banned immediately.

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