Your Name: Jogenhemier Naresin
SteamID STEAM_0:0:542222716
Appeal Type (Apology
Which staff member banned you?: Vixx
How long is your ban for?: 3 days
Why were you banned?: NITRP / RDM / PO's
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I haven't killed anyone and not a single person, I was riding my bike around and having fun after waking up in the morning In real life.. and if I had the RDM for killing the civilian, he wouldn't leave me alone and got quite annoying so I shot him, I did NOT RDM anyone and I wasn't trying to NOT to intend to roleplay because I was actually roleplaying.. I ride around the city in my bike, Almost got jailed from LAPO and I did everything in roleplay.. I saw Franklin Gray who is an Unteroffizier so I ask hey "Go recruit him." and then when we were talking I thought I crashed but no, I got banned and I was you know.. Confused but when I looked at the rules of PO's, That's the only reason I THOUGHT I Should get banned.. But I did NOT NITRP or RDM, I want to ask and apologize if it SEEMED like I did not intend to roleplay or I RDM'ed even though I haven't killed a single person without an reason to... Can Vixx tell me why I was banned for NITRP / RDM please? Because I felt like I did nothing for that to be banned.. IF I was not intending to roleplay... I would've been banned quite soon, I still do not know what I did wrong for NITRP or RDM. SO please tell me. Also I did not use a truck?! What truck are you talking about.. Yesterday night time? Because I haven't even drove my truck even ONCE today and also '/fallover' is not an exploit or RDM? It was just a fun experience to make people laugh, and I did INTENT to roleplay because when LAPO arrested me, I did the same thing which did support the roleplay and also I did stop "Minging" when I thought about it, so sorry if it seem like I continue AND ALSO I DO NOT OWN A WHITE TRUCK?! I don't remember having a white truck, All I remember is that I got ran over with a bunch of people by some dude in a white truck? And your accusing of me doing it? My Character doesn't even OWN a white truck and people knew what time it was and they weren't mad about me riding around on a bike? Like who and why
Additional Information: I did NOT intend to avoid roleplay or RDM..