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  1. Nuero

    My Ban appeal

    sorry about that i will edit it
  2. Nuero

    My Ban appeal

    Potato_ Steam Id: (STEAM_ 76561198994279799 Appeal type: Kinda both I dont know which staff member ban me Ban time Per why dissrespect / Rascism This happened about 2 maybe 3 months ago. I was first Ban for rascism on one of the Discord servers. Keep in mind this happened when the archibald family first started so i did not know there dIscord was an offical Prometheus Server discord. they refused to recruit me and on the discord one of the members dmed me and called me a " Fucking Retard ". So on the discord in the occ i called them all the N word, I was then ban for 3 weeks for rascism. So i reached out to the staff who baned me and asked him why i was ban he said for rascism I was not aware that the discord was offical cause it did not have the little dude holding the torch. So i fought the admin and asked him why i was ban and we got in a big fight over it he blocked me after so i have no clue which staff it was. I then looked and saw i was perma ban and felt that was unfair. I would understand an extra week but Perma i feel is unfair. Regardless i am still very sorry for the orgional Rascism and would have never done it if i knew it was a Prometheus Discod. I fell that i should be unban or have my ban short-end because I tink perma ban is a lot for 1 count of racism and me debating with an admin Thank you for your time
  3. Nuero

    Wrong person

    Your Name: Amon Heydrich SteamID 76561198994279799 Appeal Type Dispute: Which staff member banned you? Ryan How long is your ban for?: I think 4 weeks Why were you banned?: Racism Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was just chilling in the lapo lobby when there are two guys talking right next to eacrh other and one says "dont rat you little nig " I then left the lapo station as i was going to get my 2 perma weapons and out of no where i get ban. I am not blaming anyone i just think it was a mistake . Also i was not even useing my mic i was just standing there waiting to talk to someone. If Ryan has a clip of it i would even be willing to go in a discord call so you prove my voice vs the one in the clip if he has one. I was also not even taken to a sit or told what i did i just was ban out of the blue Additional Information: None
  4. Nuero

    unnecessary ban

    thank you i fixed it
  5. Nuero

    unnecessary ban

    Where do i see the format
  6. Nuero

    unnecessary ban

    Name Karl heydrich / Nero steam id STEAM_0:1:517007035 Appeal type (dispute) Who banned me Browniemeister how long was the bann 11 months 30 days why i was banned. I was banned because i was apparently too young and i was jokeing with one of my friends about gay people I deserve to be unbanned because banning me for being too young is crazy it is not eaven a banable offense. Not only that i do appoligise for the gay comment i made, but that was in jokeing with my friend. I would understand like a 10 min mute but a year ban is crazy even when i am 14 and there is no age requirement to my knowledge. The guy only came to me after i was talking to my friend and banned me on his ingame charicter not from a staff charicter his own charicter. I also think this is crazy because i had never been baned for anything like this I do also really like playing this server and have spent around $200 and at the end of the day it is a game. Additional info https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iXCFS9JgS__QPGJSj?invite=cr-MSxvMk4sMjEyMzg2NjQ5LA Thank you staff of hearing me out

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