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Marcus Quinctilius Valerius

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  1. Would you recommended a second chance? Also i didn't flip the car it was just a big round circle that was spawned and the car was inside that circle
  2. So? a lot of things around here are originally from the 50s feldjagers in general for example became MP officially in the 50s UA doesnt seem to care about that neither many cars that people drive around are from 1951 part of mafia 2 and so there is a lot of more things
  3. Oberstabsfeldwebel is an actual rank that got introduced after world war 2 https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Oberstabsfeldwebel
  4. Description of the idea: My idea is to expand the military ranks to prevent people from getting to officer too quickly the following ranking would go down like this starting by the nco Feldwebel Oberfeldwebel Hauptfeldwebel Stabsfeldwebel - Adding the rank - Oberstabsfeldwebel / Oberstabsbootsmann once you reach that rank after that you become a leutnant to get a better understanding / meaning of the new rank Oberstabsfeldwebel is the highest ranking NCO within the german military Oberstabsfeldwebel is equivalent to sergeant major in the U.S Army or Warrant Officer 1 in the British Army Why should this be added?: To get less people to become officers having 15 officers and less NCOs is crazy to me lets say a battalion of 150 men there is only 30 to 35 officers (maybe less) and the rest are NCOs and enlisted men What negatives could this have?: N/A Additional information:
  5. Description of the idea: It would be great to have neat uniforms for NCOs like the officer uniform but then in NCO variant this could improve RP on different levels they could be seen as formal wear during a party or they can be used for high ranking NCOs within a command staff Why should this be added?: The betterment of RP on various levels What negatives could this have?: N/A Additional information: N/A
  6. Name: Wolfram Karl Freiherr von Richthofen SteamID32: 76561198350093326 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Marshal Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Suspected of abusing Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: I put a big object on the road and a car drove there when it spawned it didn't mean to troll or to abuse my flag perms it was nothing more then a small accident i can understand why the staff member thought i was trolling but i was not given a warning or a note i did in fact delete the object when the staff member showed up i've had my flag perms since 2021 and never been had any problems with staff about my flag usage i do wish for a second chance to have my perms back again i do believe that everyone deserves a second chance especially that i have decent clean record Additional Information: N/A
  7. Good sir on what grounds do you see a gun equipped? or where do you see shooting me at him after my death? my clip shows the full happening before and after my death and to accusse me good sir that i am that man in the photo as you claim you clearly havent looked properly in the video nor the radio chats that was being send shame on you! And i as told you during the sit that there was another member of the feld trying to deal with it which during that same sit i've asked you twice you bring him there but you very simply seemed to ignored it like you didn't wanna ban him nor give him a note, you good sir make the rest of the moderators look bad, you make this job look like its a kids play in the garden
  8. Your Name: Wolfram Karl von Richthofen SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:194913799 Staff Member's Name(s): Shepherd Staff Member's SteamID32(s): No clue Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): Failure to do his job and giving justice to a RDM Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iYrLxChngZ4XaPJcw?invite=cr-MSxHVFMsNzA5NzYzMjgs Additional Information: So this issue is going about a RDM i showed him this clip the opposite party showed his side which clearly showed that he just randomly started shooting once i came out the benderblock shepherd claimed this aint RDM and i was armed and was firing at him whatever the senior admins wish to do about this situation is up to them but i believe its clear as day RDM

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