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Everything posted by Ghettomcnuggets

  1. fuck you turais your such a bitch i killed one person ONE person if that deservers a 5 day ban fuck your server you need to grow up and stop being a little baby I apologized and I did not intentially discoconect I'm not dumb i know that i would get banned for that i tried loading back in as soon as possible
  2. Your Name: I dont know my in game name SteamID32'76561198274794997 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute and apology Which staff member banned you?: turais How long is your ban for?: 5 days Why were you banned?: Somebody shot at me and then I shot and killed them I though it was the same person but they were wearing the same outfits and it turned out to not be them. but i tried talking to them when they tpd me into a room my game had crashed i tried to load in though and they banned me before I got a chance to talk to them Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I am very sorry for killing turais I can promise you this will never happen again I really enjoy this server and dont want to start things off like this i recently became an officer on the server and have really enjoyed in so far but once again im sorry i really hope you can give me another chance Additional Information: @Slug
  3. please can sombody help me with this i recently became an officer and i have been enjoying it a lot
  4. Banned by turais so im talking to him i was getting banned for rdm one person i killed one person because they shot at me a moment before he looked exactly like him so i brought him in a room and killed him that deserves 5 days and im talking to him then my game crashes again and i load in banned for 5 days

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