Character's name & rank: Leutnant Klaus Volkier von Fuches
SteamID32: STEAM_1:1:32160514
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): No clue!
Explain why you were PK'd: I'm going to assume it was due to FearRP, which I can assume is 100% fair if this gets denied.
Why should you be un-PK'd?:
My PK comes from myself shooting a Heer/Wehr/whatever Colonel in the face for attempting to Arrest and Detain me illegally whilst I was doing my Job as a member of the Kaisers Guard.
under the PK Guidelines of Rules 2 and 6
1. One may not purposefully subject someone to a situation in which they would fall under Valid PK Guidelines and 2. One may not PK someone for simply doing their Job.
What had happened was, the Consul was within the Bendlerblock, and thus, the Kaisers Guard were called to protect him. I was returning back from the ICC main gate in checking to see if any of my Soldiers were still outside of it, to which, there were none
A Colonel decided to get uppity with me, After I told him I both do not answer to him, and that I have a job to do. He decided whilst I had my weapon out already and on safety, to attempt to have me illegally arrested for doing my job in my role as an Officer of the Kaisers guard whilst returning to my men in the Bendlerblock to continue doing my job, At the time He had his pistol on me and I believe one other did as well and if Memory serves, I managed to drop them both as they attempted to Arrest and Detain me in which I was then shot by bystanding Soldiers.
However, by Putting me under Fear RP for trying to do my job, I feel the Invalid Guidelines of Rules 2 and 6 were broken.
Additional Information:
If anyone has the video proof please send it here lmao, even if I don't get unPK'd I still want the video for the meme