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  1. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Count SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:52547271 Discord Username/ID: yeet0268 Timezone: GMT+1 Age: 21 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 1d 7h 34m (at the time of applying) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Yes, Lentz Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Lentz Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Oberstleutnant Edwon Erking He's the Field Marshal's personal guard. His everyday activities are to ensure the Field Marshal's safety at all costs. Major William Perd He was recently transferred to warplanning. Before that he was a member of the interior minister's bureau How long have you been roleplaying?: 8 years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Not that I can remember Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? - I've been a staff member in a (non-garry's mod) gaming community for 6 years. My duties as head admin were usually HR-related. Mostly dealt with internal affairs, performance enforcement&audit and to maintain the community's overall health. Was head admin for 3/6 years before my departure. - Before that I was Senior Admin on numerous Garry's mod servers (mainly HL2RP Combine Control ). It was mostly handling disputes and managing people's flags. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I would be a valuable addition to the staff team, given my experience in both administration and my studies in human resources. Over the past several years, I had the opportunity to serve in various gaming and online communities, where I gained an understanding of the responsibilities of a staff member and learned what it takes to keep communities thriving. My experience in these roles included extensive intelligence gathering, investigations, handling disputes, auditing, and enforcement. One of the main reasons I am applying is that you are looking for new members, and I would be honored to offer my experience and support. My commitment to maintaining both my own values and those of the community makes me really motivated to contribute. I see this as an opportunity to help maintain an inclusive and supportive environment, where users feel respected and valued. Another reason for applying is because I’ve been thinking about joining this staff team for quite some time (since summer maybe, or even before that). I firmly believe that there’s always room for improvement and growth on my part, and I am certain that I can learn more than what I already know from my future fellow staff members. Clear and open communication is essential in any community role, and I am a firm believer in this principle. I have found that transparency and effective communication are essential to successful teamwork, this will allow both the staff team and the general population to work together in tandem. I aim to be approachable and clear with my communication, which I believe will help me establish trust and a strong sense of connection. Ultimately, I am enthusiastic about contributing to your community’s goals and helping to maintain a positive, growing environment. I am dedicated to maintaining the responsibilities of this role. In addition, it will also be my goal to support both staff and community members. Through my experience, commitment, and skills, I am confident in my ability to help foster a healthy and growing community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of a staff member can vary from community to community. The most important duty -that is shared across multiple communities- is to ensure and maintain a positive and fair environment for the players within the community. Achieving this objective requires the right tools and a clear understanding of the server's guidelines to enforce them effectively. What I also learned from my years of experience is that 9/10 cases you deal with are not black and white. There’s always a unique factor to the majority of the cases. This means that going by the book or being a so-called ice king won’t get you far when dealing with people. There must be room for compassion and understanding if you wish to resolve “gray” situations to keep the majority satisfied. Another key responsibility of a staff member is to oversee and support the smooth operation of all community activities and interactions. This includes meeting our weekly ticket quota to swiftly serve the players and to resolve issues efficiently. By actively managing tickets, we help ensure that role-play experiences remain enjoyable, uninterrupted, and fair for everyone involved. Additionally, staff members must communicate regularly with each other and the community to keep a balanced and informed atmosphere.

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