Character's name & rank: Daniel Hoffman, Stabsfeldwebel
SteamID32: 76561199079637943
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Might've been Ser_Hound
Explain why you were PK'd: Fear RP) While on a vehicle patrol throughout the city, I stopped by the bank to get my paycheck, and then make my way towards the LAPO station, on the way there, I noticed a group of NSB detaining and arresting a fellow NCO within the Infantry, I believe there were two OKL following behind. I simply continued on my route to the LAPO, radioing in to my commanding officer. While walking maybe 10 feet away from the group of NSB, they surround me, without warning, and start to tie me, and tell me that I was being arrested for subversion of state security, I, very surprised, decided to quickly radio in that I was being detained. I was subsequently shot down.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: At the time, I was unaware that using your radio while under Fear RP was a PK able offense, I've read the PK guidelines before the change into ImperialRP, but I never really noticed that you could be PK'd because of using your radio while being tied. Additionally, I believe it happened super fast, I don't believe that they gave me a warning before swarming me, I thought that it would be my best course of action to submit to being detained, but obviously not let anyone know. Honestly, most of this is probably my fault, and I wouldn't be surprised if I am still PK'd, but please give it some thought.
Additional Information: None.