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  1. +1 I am one of the soldiers of the heer who followed many of his orders, as I started from grenadier like everyone else but if today I am stabsgefreiter it is only thanks to him and to all the teachings he has given me since he made me join the heer, he he is a very serious person, but at the same time he is very nice and I think he is one, if not the best official I have ever seen, I speak from experience since I have been playing on this server for a year and a half, I think that his position in the team of staff can revive the shortage of soldiers in the heer also is very active
  2. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/j1EGXthDwdBqf5owh?invite=cr-MSxlUXIsMjE0MzE4OTUxLA here's some proof
  3. how can i send a screenshoot
  4. Your Name: IL_KAPPA- SteamID32 (https://steamcommunity.com/id/ILkappone/) (ID di Steam: 76561199408975651 ) Appeal Type (Apology ) Which staff member banned you?: PieLardAss How long is your ban for?: permanent Why were you banned?: I was banned because I left the game while they were arresting me (LTARP) Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was banned about a year and a half ago and I hope to come back to play on the server because I miss it ,In this year and a half of my absence on the server I have played many other roleplay servers where my RP ability has increasaed greatly , What led to me getting banned from the server was listening to people I had just met say that if I left the server while they arrested me there would be no consequences , In this year and a half of my absence I have understood that I must not trust many people I have just met and i have to follow the rules of the server . I hope you will let me return to the server. After all this time , i miss all my friends in the army.. Additional Information: If you are wondering why I didn't take the appeal ban after 48 hours because I was told that I had to wait until May 2023 , but i didn't had the courage to appeal again , but now i feel more confident Also i used an account of a friend to play the server again and what i did was breaking the first rule and i really dont have an escuse for that , the only things that comes to my mind was " i want to play berlin again" i want to give a big apology for this kind of action

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