So, you In RP decided your character who is a member of a government faction dedicated to protection. Decided it was acceptable in RP to mug a member of another government faction whom is allied with you, for the sole reason of "in real life I don’t need to have a reason to rob a gas station people can do it because they can" this isn't real life. Its 1940's imperial Germany.
You have to act as someone from that time as that is the point of this being ROLEPLAY. No you wouldn't mug a member of the kaisers personal guard as a decorated member of the party/states personal guard for no reason other than you can. it makes no sense for your character to want to do that in the servers setting. And under that pretense i could say "well the KG can just hold the counsel meeting under fear rp and take over the server because they wanted to" it doesn't work that way, and we use common sense in every rp situation we are in.
when you said " you should understand that the last thing you wanna do is give him a reason to shoot and you screaming for help is that reason"
there are hundreds of cases on this servers history of people screaming for help under fear rp and their captor shooting them and that being the end of it. You intentionally started the situation and proceeded to use that situation to PK a high ranking KG officer whom had done nothing to you.
the fear RP should not be grounds for PK in this scenario. as you put your weapon away while he was tied which took him out of fear rp. what followed was not a fear rp kill but a RDM as you did not attempt to tell him to be quiet or stop yelling, which is a breach of fear rp rules
"If you're holding someone under FearRP and are issuing them orders/warnings to not do something, and they disobey you, then you may kill them; however, it should not be your first choice of action. In this situation, one single warning/order will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you must give them adequate time to react. When in game, you are actively a part of the roleplay, and therefore you must also be actively aware of your environment as well. Any excuses such as “I couldn’t hear them because my headset was turned off” will not be permitted. Outside elements of the game cannot be used as an excuse to avoid FearRP or being PK’d (i.e. being AFK)."
you not issue any other order in the clip, you just shot him.
as for the response that the place was secluded, " Secluded and non-public areas include; Alleys, dark corners, areas void of other players or abandoned buildings,
you were in the KG compound, in the barracks with windows all around. and a guard was present outside the room. this is in no way a secluded place. it is a barracks that is full of members of a faction who can hear gunshots and commotions.
also you being a member of staff, while i am not a member of staff on this server, i have been on others for years. Why would you who is meant to be dedicated to making the server function smoothly and cooperatively seek to cause chaos and pk players? Not that you can have a char and play the server but as staff you have responsibilities to uphold and causing major discourse in a faction does not seem like one of them.
Why would you swap to staff char after being in a serious rp situation? you don't know if there were other members that you didn't see and they could have seen exactly what you looked like and what you did. almost like you're tring to hide from what you did as its not acceptable in any scenario.