Character's name & rank:
Unteroffizier Barry Von Kaulkinher
SteamID32: 76561198849174103
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Dont know
Explain why you were PK'd: I dont know the exact reason for being PK'd because i was never brought to a sit but I believe it was because there were some NSB that were inside the BB they asked me for id which I showed them my warrant disk because im MGD then all the NSB all turned around and started talking to other military members when all the NSB turned around I then began running to a office to radio to a officer after I radioed and talked to an officer all the NSB came up behind me they surrounded me and they just shot me for no reason.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: I dont think I broke any of the rules, I ran away from the NSB when they all turned their backs, I followed all of their commands and they never even tried to arrest me they just shot me after I ran to a off to a different hallway in the BB when they turned their backs and started talking to someone else.
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