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  1. Kromel

    Ban Appeal

    Im going to be real here, i got really mad bcs all of my friends play on this server and i didin`t want to be left out so i did a dumbass thing, created an alt.
  2. Kromel

    Ban Appeal

    Kromel Stean ID:STEAM_0:0:808167328 Appeal Type: Apology and Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Nasty How long is your ban for?: 5 days Why were you banned?: RDM,LTAP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First of all i would like to say that i should not have RDM as i did, i should not have broken out of my cell and i should not have crashed out as i did.I belive that i should not have ended up in that jail cell in the first place, i accidentaly ran my bike into some people who were standing on the road which i appologised for immidiatly . Becouse of that i was arrested which was unfair as i saw people run over others and have no issues. I was blindfolded and taken to a torture facility for bumping someone with a bike, i don`t belive thats fair.How does Random death match apply if i tried to kill him becous he locked me up in a prison with a torture room?I also apologize for LTAP, i Closed the game becous i crashed out i did not mean to LTAP as i rejoined few seconds later(This is my first offence) Additional Information: Sorry for bad English its my 2nd language Thanks for Reading

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