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Hey there Lucifer, thanks for replying to the comment I made. I honestly wouldn't be opposed to drugs being dropped on death, as it would make those that carry them more concerned in regard of losing them. Although, I could see an issue in roleplay regards with only certain items being dropped on death. For example only drugs being dropped when you had multiple weapons, as well as different items on you. These items would include but not limited to Food, Medical items, Ammunition.
I'll have to agree with both of the individuals that posted their opinion above, while it seems like a cool concept there's just too many negatives that would outweigh the positives here... Thanks for your suggestion though
Criminal Organization "The Berlin Shadows" faction request.
Acevass replied to angiebullard's topic in Denied
Hello there angiebullard, Your application fails to follow one of our guidelines that are put in place which I will list below. 3. Users applying for a criminal organization cannot have a ban on record within a 2-week time frame of their application. This includes the Prometheus Networks Discord and Server. With this not being the discord, but the server itself. You were banned on 2024-12-07 05:59:49 which fails to follow the guideline put in place by our owner. With that being said I am inclined to say you should've waited to post this application just due to that aspect. You also have had part of your application AI generated, which is a huge no from me personally. I would also like to see your play time improved even though it meets requirements, I personally have no idea who you are and would prefer those with more community outreach to apply for their own faction. Goodluck. -
+1 I think you would be a good fit for the staff team, not only do you provide excellent roleplay but you've impressed me with your faction leadership. Goodluck, and I hope to see you apart of the team!
Hello PolishVodka, I would like to start off by thanking you for coming to the forums to appeal your ban, as it shows us you want to still be apart of this community. Now, as for your ban I had a two tickets from different individuals about this instance. When I attempted to bring you to the sit, about a few minutes after this has happened you disconnected from the server, which would explain why I added LTAP in your ban. Taking a look back at your logs, you say you were with an officer during this and some people started shooting at you. Which also kind of confuses me because if you were with an officer, why would you have to kill one? Whilst also looking back, I can see in the span of 15 seconds you had already killed 3 different people, with one of them being an officer which that kill happened the 15th second after the first one. The second kill happened 11 seconds after the first, with this being one of the individuals that actually submitted a ticket. I want to also point out that you're saying that you were hit by some of them, however the only person that inflicted damage on you in the logs is someone that was never even killed by you. 2024-12-09 21:15:38 Special K (STEAM_0:1:572266816) (gorlok wallace) inflicted 32HP damage to PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) using a arccw_pv_k98k as seen here in this log. After you took damage, and I want to note about over a minute later you decided to go ahead and massacre several people afterwards, which I will provide those logs including the times as well. 2024-12-09 21:16:11 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed bigmanlover (STEAM_0:1:127187316) (Ardolf Fuckler) using a player -Note this kill, because he's killed several more times afterwards with him not doing any damage to you, because the only damage you took during this whole scene was from the first log I posted above. 2024-12-09 21:16:22 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed Malagor (STEAM_0:0:464427067) (Klaus Von Hammersmark) using a player 2024-12-09 21:16:26 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed ginjaninja14th (STEAM_0:1:858097350) (Polizeiuntermeister John Jebediah Frek) using a player -Note this kill, because the individual stated that he was with an officer. 2024-12-09 21:16:29 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed bigmanlover (STEAM_0:1:127187316) (Ardolf Fuckler) using a player -Note these kills 2024-12-09 21:16:58 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed bigmanlover (STEAM_0:1:127187316) (Ardolf Fuckler) using a player 2024-12-09 21:17:29 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed bigmanlover (STEAM_0:1:127187316) (Ardolf Fuckler) using a player In the span of one minute you seemed to have killed several individuals that caused no damage to you, as of which there was no reason gun them all down. Reviewing all of these logs, in total you managed to kill the same guy 4 times, as well as two others that had no interaction in damage logs on your character. I would also like to point out that you disconnected not even 4 minutes later from your last kill, which to me, if you're killing the same guy over and over again surely you'd think he would report it, right? I'll show your logs from your last kill, as well as your disconnect log. 2024-12-09 21:17:29 PolishVodka (STEAM_0:1:229515094) (Obergrenadier Grzegorz Szymanski) killed bigmanlover (STEAM_0:1:127187316) (Ardolf Fuckler) using a player -First kill 2024-12-09 21:21:21 Player disconnected from the server, reason: Disconnect by user. -Disconnection In your appeal you argued about my NITRP message in the ban, however if you had intention on roleplay there was no reason to slay the same guy over and over within the span of a little over a minute.
+1 I would love to see this implemented! That way they can have separate models rather than looking like the DRK to help distinguish them from one another.
I agree with what Shepherd said on this. Whilst it would be nice to have said vendor for these kind of things I also find it awesome that you would have to make advertisements or find someone else in game that would purchase these items off of you. It allows everyone to make some kind of money from this, instead of just one individual. However, of course that profit would be split drastically different as everyone will pay different DM for each item. As for what you had to say on your reply @LuciferI understand your frustration with how officers of each faction run out of money quickly, however if you have a good leader in your faction money will be distributed properly to allow everyone to be able to afford the bare necessities to allow each one to operate efficiently. I also believe that while there not being a built in system for rewarding the player for contraband, IE the vendor this gives players plenty of opportunity to earn money and potentially accommodations in character for turning in said contraband. From my experience the leader of a faction is given decent money to disperse it to those like other commissioned officers, which those officers would then give money to NCO's, Enlisted to allow them to purchase equipment. With all that being said, I really like how it's more player driven and with a vendor I honestly believe it would limit the interaction of different factions in this aspect as well as automate it too much. This being said, when I was roleplaying as LaPo I remember contacting the DRK for example to sell pots too, or any other drugs and they would buy them off of me. This allowed for me to meet other people in character, as well as spread the money to more than just myself, which allows everyone to be successful in that aspect. It all depends on how your faction operates though, if you need money all you typically have to do is mention it to someone of authority within said faction and you'll be given it.
I was one of the men that surrounded you, you did indeed break the guidelines therefore you were pked, as Coffee stated. You were given plenty of warning and you even kept moving while I and others attempted to restrain you. Please be sure to read over the PK Guidelines provided HERE as this will provide further clarification that way next time you can prevent this.
Steam Name: Acevass SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:1622358 Discord Username/ID: acevass6249 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Age: 23 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 44m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator, however I've only bought PET flags Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Absolutely Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I definitely will need to be more active on the forums, however I am pretty active on the server and play it everyday that I can. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Evan Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @Jack@Spooks@evan. Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Kommissaranwärter Günther Weinbacher - Personal guard of the Interior Minister, pretty basic for this character just makes sure the Interior Minister is always protected. Ministerialrat Julius Weiß - Apart of the leadership of Ouroboros, this character is in charge of biological research within his office. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying for many years, I first started seriously roleplaying on Santos RP AWHILE back I'd say in like 2016? However my first experience on the 1942RP genre was Typhon Networks in 2018. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have received a note for RDM. I have no excuse for what I did because I decided to take a minge into my own hands, inciting what I thought was "justice" at the time. However when I was in a staff sit I was told to download a software like medal and just record it, that way next time they'd be able to take care of it. This was when I first joined the server, and I have improved drastically as well as doing my fair share of reporting those that have decided to break the rules. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I first began my journey as a staff member on Typhon Networks as a Moderator after roleplaying on that server for about a month. It was my first time administrating on a Nutscript gamemode and I fell in love with how you could separate different moderation aspects such as models, names, and even more. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I should be picked for the staff position because I have the time and dedication to ensure everyone here has a great experience out of character. I also want to ensure that everyone has an excellent roleplay experience. I'm 23 years old and have the maturity to maintain the decision-making and the confidence to perform administrative actions. I don't play games besides World of Warcraft, so I can be very active whenever required, especially as a staff member helping members with tickets, whether stopping Minges from ruining roleplay or just someone needing a faction to recruit. I have an unyielding work ethic, and I always tend to push myself to work even more and harder. I'm always self-confident in what I'm doing because I always take the time to learn how to do that task properly. Good communication skills are key for helping the players on the server. My experience as staff on other servers has shaped me into what I know today. I've had excellent Super Admins, Server Managers, and Owners who have taught me a lot about being a staff member and correctly approaching a situation. I honestly wish to relive the days I was staffed on darkrp servers because those days were fun. So overall, my experience as a staff member on other servers has been memorable and joyful, and I want to relive those moments. I'm a tremendous team player, and I don't believe anyone is better than another, and success as a team means success for everyone. With my experience in older communities, I would love to help educate anyone who may need help approaching a situation, whether it be a positive or negative interaction. I'm also very open to being taught; I'm the complete opposite of a closed-minded person. I take things people teach me and spread them to others, as knowledge is power, and everyone has a chance to learn. That aspect can spread to those who genuinely don't know they're breaking the rules or want to become a valuable community member. I want to be the person who helps spread knowledge about the rules and anything a member would need to succeed in the community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: I would first like to start with the duties of a staff member, which include but are not limited to responding to tickets, whether for someone performing RDM or NLR. Also, you can remember the rank promotions and model changes. More responsibility would include banning, kicking, and muting any users that said action would require. A staff member's duties would be to ensure everyone on the server is experiencing a memorable, enjoyable experience on the server. Whether that pertains to in- or out-of-character roleplay, every aspect is crucial to the user's experience. It's also important to be patient and talk to a player about an issue they're having in a way they'd be able to understand how to approach the situation better. An example would be to tell the user how it would be more effective to have Medal for clips or just how treating others how they would want to be treated would create a better situation for everyone. I would also like to include the responsibilities of a staff member to help educate those unfamiliar with the rules on how to follow them better. As staff members, we're here to help aid the players in the right direction, not just issue punishments.
+1 Great guy! Provides a great environment whether it's in or out of roleplay. He has lots of good prior experience as well, I would love to see him as a member of the staff team!