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  1. Hello, Firstly, I'll keep in mind that I shouldn't be making appeals on someone's behalf in the future, I was told that such things have been done before. Secondly, I understand that Hansel broke FearRP, but what I am trying to argue is that Character PK was not used as a last resort, as stated in 'Following is NOT Permitted' No.3. I would completely understand another form of punishment, such as a demotion or rank lock and such, but MGD had the manpower and resources to surround and detain him, as he was slow walking away from them and not running.
  2. Character's name & rank: Hansel Puedershmidt - Unterfeldwebel SteamID32: 241974248 | SteamID64: 76561198202239976 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Spooks Explain why you were PK'd: I believe the reason would be breaking of FearRP, as I was slowly walking backwards when people were pointing weapons in my face telling me to stop moving. I was very confused as to why Luftwaffle, shouting Military Intelligence, breached the LF and didnt think about the orders given very clearly. Why should you be un-PK'd?: MGD had the manpower ,and competence, to successfully surround and detain me which would have prevented the PK. From previous experienced with Staff, the rules are that a PK should be issued as a last resort and when the, in this case, arresting units have attempted all possible, within reason, actions to avoid a shooting. This was not done to me as the MGD simply gave me a few orders, didnt try and block me, and simply opened fire. Additional Information: This appeal was written by The_noobyBG (@the_noobybg) per request of the appealing individual (@kornythedragon) in hopes for a better written appeal. Both questions were answered in the point of view of the appealing individual.

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