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Everything posted by EmmaBemmaTheSinner

  1. To whom it may concern, Regarding the recent talk of staff promotions. Hauptmann Kyle is a trustworthy, repeat offender of being online at all times. This man is online before staff are online. I know this because I'm online with him, at 3am EST. We are the morning crew that set everything up most days. This man would be an excellent addition to the staff of this server because he works so well with others as well as individually. You can set this man on a task and it will get completed, and what's best is his communication skills during the entire thing are always on point. Kyle has been nothing but respectful, rational, and mature in my presence, and I could see him blossoming in a staff position. Further more, holding such high military position for so long requires patience, persistence and loyalty. I feel these are the three cornerstones to a good leader. Thus I must put my vote in for Kyle Whiteford. - Leutnaut Alfred Heiz-Grotten of the FeldJager

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