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Father John Price

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  1. Hey nice clip, Im really glad that you did type and showed my your point of view. - Like you did see in my clipp. it was a police officer that did hade out hes batonge started too swing with it. this did make me to take out my gun in the hands to higher up the security towards me and the men around me, when a man is trying to punch you are you going to just let him punch you to death? Like all military personal in IRL and in game should be trained is to unhulster there gun if it a threat, next step you need to point toward person and give warning, after the 3rd warning then you shoot a warning shoot, if they dont listen then you need to just force on the person. but you trying to never just force in the begining. - I did start shooting when i got shoot at to defend my self. if thats not logic in anyway then sure thing. I mean it should have been a PK ather way soo in this senario i think it is a little dum. - Sad thing that i could never finish all logistic docs for the army and for the server soo we got more rp to do. - Also what was your reason to just rush in and start shooting all people only beacuse of people pointing guns at each other?
  2. Thank you for the information, and thanks for understanding my point of view. Im not saying that i did not do anything wrong if it states in the rule book that my action is wrong incouring to the rules then is just to accept it. As a fromer military man and as a normal person you often want to defend yourself if sombody tyring to kill you. soo its just normal human reaction. In next time i should just be in the back and dont do shit in the front line if i get a new chans with this char. or with my ather char to. I mean just that i hade a gun out in my hands beacuse it was a heated situations and beacuse the security level was ordered to be higher. then it is normal to have the gun out in there hands. i mean if i should not have a gun out and i was ready to defend my self then it should have been pointlese to be there and defend. I mean sure thing if i have done something wrong then i accept that i have done something wrong. But in this senario is just normal to defend your self. any normal person that have been proper train in real life knows that. but i say sorry for my actions and waiting the final answer form you if i get accepted or not. Regaring if my Char get accepted back. then i going to just stick to my Office desk doing rp paperworks and helping with admistarition. Beacuse i really want to make more rp event with logiwork in game. Thanks you for reading and for understanding. (Also Whoresom, if you have time some time if you can contact me on Discord or something, i want to by Char for big mount of money)
  3. Character's name & rank: Hans Von Stalh, Leutnant SteamID32: 76561198085762103 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Major Whoresson Explain why you were PK'd: The only guess i can understand why i did get PKed was beacuse of the shoot out, but then most of the people should have been PKed. I guess it is beacuse i was a officer in the front lines. but that rule have allways been okey for lower COs before, didnet know that they have change the rules if they have. (This is the two reason i think, im not sure if it is this rules and im sorry if i did do something wrong and it should not happen agian) Why should you be un-PK'd?: I mean for the first thing i dont know what i did do for wrong for defenind my self when i did get shoot at, and if i got banned for askelating a thing beacuse a person did walk around with a stick and could hit me any second i fell thats that is wrong. If you thinking in a real life sernario, if a guy walking with a stick and it looks like he is a danger you react and trying to make him put down it soo he is not a theart to the people that guard. I mean sure thing it was not mean for me to escalet a problem if it was me, but you clearly see in the video i did just want the guy to drop the stick, and then i got shoot at from no where. if that count as a PK then thats sad beacuse i dident know the rule too good. i say sorry for my actions. but i feel that i havent done anything wrong but if i have then i ask for forgivness and that i can get informed on what i did do wrong soo i dont do it again. Beacuse i dont want this char to be PKed. also have never wanted to do somehting wrong, Additional Information: Video link: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jffx9uHKXkbckLOk3?invite=cr-MSxrSmMsMjEwNTAwNzA4LA
  4. I do understand your point of seeing it, and i shouldent post this Ban Appeal if i dident mean that im sorry for it. but like you see what i did type in to the MGD guy. what me and the MGD guy said the first thing he said was just asking who i was and stuff. He did not warn me more the saying " I wont be able to help due to the metagaming aspect of this" then you see that i i tryed to just say that im with Hauphtmann (captain) soo its fine, Sure thing i have played on the server for a long time, People have said that Discord doesnt count as Metagming beacuse people sometimes use Discord for in game stuff (this might have changed under the time i have not been here) But still if i are a new player or a returing player that dident know that this was breaking a rule then should i deserver a ban in 7 days beacuse of i dident know or beacuse i have got the wrong info that people have told me before?? Anyway sure thing if you count that as i did get a warning for metagaming and that i tryied to get people on then i say sorry, beacuse often people need to put in in Announcement and i cant do it beacuse i dont have perms for it, or beacuse i saying the info and thinking that a Commanding officer should say to me what i should do. Think if it should be a hole new player and he is writing like me and just trying to understand what he should do in that senario. But like i said im sorry for my actions, beacuse its not meant to break the rules. i just want ,like you guys to be on to one of the greatest GMOD server that are and have fun. Soo REALLY SORRY FOR MY ACTIONS!
  5. Yeah sorry if i did do something wrong, i going to edit it under the day, when i have time. Thanks for the info :)
  6. Your Name: Hans Von Stalh SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561198085762103 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): I want to say sorry if i did do something wrong, but sometimes in the past on this server people said if you type in "discord" it does not count as a IC thing and sometimes it just count as a OOC thing. in this case what i think is that if i type in "General-ooc" everything i type there is OOC and you cant do anything in game about it, if i want to take up a toptic about the NSB is attacking and i want to talk about it, to understand wtf is happening beacuse it got me counfused. then i dont see why i get a ban for it, beacuse then everyone what type in Discord even if it a DM or not should allso be banned for 6 days beacuse of they talking about a thing that happening in OOC. I cant understand what i did wrong until Full extend, but i need to just accept that i did do something wrong and say that im sorry and i dont want to do it again. Dident event thing or know that this even counted ass a metagming. Which staff member banned you?: Da Epic Goose How long is your ban for?: 6 Days 3 hours Why were you banned?: Metagaming Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Yes i think i deserved it beacuse, in my opinion i dident know that counts as a metagming. (going to not do that misstake again) im sorry for my actions. Additional Information: I think atleast informing people it counts as a metagming in discord if it happening, not ban them (like i feel randomly) and i going to find out that im banned when i just want to jump in on a server that are great and dident even know that i did do something wrong.

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