Character's name & rank: Hans Von Stalh, Leutnant
SteamID32: 76561198085762103
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Major Whoresson
Explain why you were PK'd: The only guess i can understand why i did get PKed was beacuse of the shoot out, but then most of the people should have been PKed. I guess it is beacuse i was a officer in the front lines. but that rule have allways been okey for lower COs before, didnet know that they have change the rules if they have.
(This is the two reason i think, im not sure if it is this rules and im sorry if i did do something wrong and it should not happen agian)
Why should you be un-PK'd?:
I mean for the first thing i dont know what i did do for wrong for defenind my self when i did get shoot at, and if i got banned for askelating a thing beacuse a person did walk around with a stick and could hit me any second i fell thats that is wrong.
If you thinking in a real life sernario, if a guy walking with a stick and it looks like he is a danger you react and trying to make him put down it soo he is not a theart to the people that guard.
I mean sure thing it was not mean for me to escalet a problem if it was me, but you clearly see in the video i did just want the guy to drop the stick, and then i got shoot at from no where. if that count as a PK then thats sad beacuse i dident know the rule too good. i say sorry for my actions. but i feel that i havent done anything wrong but if i have then i ask for forgivness and that i can get informed on what i did do wrong soo i dont do it again.
Beacuse i dont want this char to be PKed. also have never wanted to do somehting wrong,
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